That hotel is sketchy..

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Hikari would grab her luggage. "Sayonara mama! Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu!" She'd yell, running out of the door. Hikari order an Uber and wait for her Uber, and when he got there she drove to nearest train station. "Sayonara." Hikari would say. "Sayonara." Her Uber driver replied. "Matsu!" She almost missed the train, but she realized she forgot her luggage, so she ran as fast as she could to grab the luggage she left in the Uber drivers car and jumped into the train when she got there, the doors about to close. "Saishūtekini..." (TIME SKIP TO WHEN SHE GOT TO THE HOTEL) Hikari would get out of the train, with her luggage and checked into her hotel room. "Kono hoteru wa ōzappadesu..." She saw something in the corner in the room, so she decided to take a closer look. "Kamera?!" She'd scream. She'd check out out of the room and shout "Heya ni kamera ga aru no wa nazedesu ka?!" And she'd stomp out of the hotel. The workers would say "Kanojo wa watashitachi no keikaku ni oitsuita..."

(If you don't know Japanese, sorry. Translate the Japanese parts in the story.)

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