3 more?!

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Hikari woke up, grabbing her phone. She put on her Spotify playlist and started cooking. Kage woke up from the scent, "Ohayō raito!" Kage said, "Good morning Kage, how was your sleep?" Hikari replied. "Good. I can't believe we're graduating from college in 3 days!" Kage exclaimed. "Wait.. 3 MORE?!" Hikari shouted. "Yeah!" Kage said. "Wow! Well, we should start eating and head to school!" Hikari said. (TIME SKIP TO WHEN THEY GOT TO SCHOOL) "Alright, bye love!" Hikari said to Kage. "Bye love." Kage replied. Hikari headed off to class and sat down. She decided to actually listen to the teacher this time. (Bell rings) Hikari instantly put in her air pods, while listening to her music on Spotify and ran to Kage's class. She was waiting outside the door and Kage ran out and hugged her. Hikari laughed as they walked to lunch. (TIME TO AFTER LUNCH AND AFTER SCHOOL BECAUSE IM LAZY ;)) Hikari and Kage were walking back to the apartment, and once they got there, Hikari unlocked the door and the both slammed onto the bed. (A few minutes later) "Hey Hikari..?" Kage said. "Hikari?" Kage said again. He looked over, to see she was sleeping. He decided to lay next to her. He then also fell asleep.

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