Chapter One- The First Day of School - Sophomore Year

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The First Day of School – Sophomore Year


1st Period

These wooden desks were so uncomfortable and these small classrooms were too – small… I guess that’s why school was nicknamed ‘hell’ by the majority of the students that had to attend one.

A long sigh escaped my mouth as I flipped to the next page in my book, blocking out all of the loud chatter that the students around me were producing before the teacher entered the room.

The creaky door creaked open and I peered over my book to look at who was entering, just like I did every other time it opened. The students who had just entered piled into the remaining seats that were left, which all happened to be in the front. I was contently seated at the very back of the classroom, only the slackers sitting near me.

A few more minutes and several more pages passed before the teacher decided to enter the classroom and calm all of the annoying prats down. I had never been more thankful for silence in my entire life.

After every student was in a seat, the teacher, whose name was Mrs. Ransburg, decided to take attendance. With a sigh, I shoved my novel into the bag sitting to my left, and put my chin in my palm.

“Anastasia Miller?” Mrs. Ransburg called after what seemed like hours. Instead of saying ‘here’ like every other student, I raised my hand a bit and waited for the teacher to lift her head.

She noted me with a nod and I dropped my hand back down onto the desk, it making a quiet thud then falling silent, like the rest of the class.

“Nice to see all your bright and smiling faces this new school year!” No one in the class was smiling. “Let’s start off with learning something about each one of you!”

This teacher was too cheerful for her own good and it was starting to give me a headache.


The rest of the day went about quite like that. Me sitting in the back of the room, engulfed in a book, while all the other students chatted happily before the bell rang and the teacher stood up to start the class.

Then they took attendance, calling off everyone’s name that I didn’t care about. That was by far the worst part, except for the fact that it was silent the entire time that the teacher was speaking.

I loved the silence, it felt like home. It reminded me of my room at home. It was always so quiet there because I had sound proof walls. My parents decided to make my walls what they are because of my musical talents. The music I blared and the music I produced got on their nerves so they decided it would be easier for the both of us if they just got me sound proof walls. It was easier for me because I can have it as loud as I want and easier for them because they can’t hear it.

No one could hear in and I couldn’t hear out. That’s how I liked it. The silence was my getaway.

Back to everything. I was so thankful that I didn’t have to ride the bus anymore. My mum forced me to ride the bus every day last year and it was torture. I wasn’t picked on; in fact everyone left me alone, just the fact that it was so bloody loud and all of the kids were extremely obnoxious got on my nerves. I just sat there with my ear buds shoved in my ears and listened to the music on my iPhone on full volume, letting the world slip away.

No, instead of riding the bus this year, I got to drive. A week before school started I turned 16, allowing me to get my license and have full control over how I got myself places. Getting my license was a bitch though, having to talk to so many people just to get one little piece of plastic. How adults do all of this stuff is miraculous. Talking to people is frustrating…

So the final bell rang and I stood up slowly, collecting my things and waiting for the crowd to thin out before I made my exit. Considering it was the first day, I didn’t have to make any stops at my locker, so I just headed straight to my car.

The hallways were booming with laughter and chatter as every student was joyous at the fact the school day had ended. I was probably the happiest of them all though, considering I got to get away from each and every one of their loud asses.

It seemed like I couldn’t get out of the school quick enough. Pushing past students and whoever was in my way, I finally made it out of the wretched building and over to my Ford Focus that my dad picked out for me.

The drive home was surprisingly quick, and music filled. I had my radio blaring the entire way there, trying to push the thoughts that were swarming my head out. Once I pulled into the drive way of the huge mansion my parents owned, I shut my car off, ceasing the music.

I practically ran to my room, only stopping to nod at my parents who greeted me happily. Once in my room, I threw my book bag on the ground, petted my cat named Shane, and turned my stereo on.

The music brought a smile to my face as I collapsed on my bed, but it also brought the memories of the day back.

With a sigh, the words I found myself saying most frequently throughout the day replayed in my mind.

“Hi, I’m Anastasia Miller, and I don’t talk.” 

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