Chapter Nine- I can't even title this because confused.

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It’s been a week since Harry kissed me and things have been a little weird between us. He made excuses to not sit with me at lunch anymore and to not come over after school. Also, in all of our classes together, he has been avoiding me like the plague. Especially gym.

It hurts, the feeling of being ignored. That’s why I never opened my shell to anyone, I knew that something was going to make them ignore me and I’d become even more depressed than I already am. Damn it, Anastasia, why did you open your shell to him!?

My alarm clock brought me out of my thoughts. I had almost forgotten that I had school today. Oh Monday mornings, how I hate you so. I pulled myself out of bed and got dressed for the day before getting something to eat and heading out to my car.

I spotted Harry getting into his car across the street from mine, he spotted me too and I noticed a small smile come to his face when he saw me. It made me blush and get into my car quickly. Yeah, I might just have a huge crush on Harry.

The drive to school was quiet for me and I was back to my old self. I arrived and parked wherever there was an empty spot and got out. It seemed like Harry got here at the same time I did because he made sure to park as far away from me as humanly possible.

Did I do something wrong? No, of course not. He’s the one who kissed me…

I just shrugged away my thoughts and got out of my car. Harry always made sure to stay in his car until I was inside to avoid having any contact with me.

With my head down the entire time, I walked toward the building feeling like someone was watching me. When I turned around to see who it was, Harry made no effort to look like he wasn’t staring at me.

Suddenly very self-conscious and upset, I booked it into the building and to my locker. (A/N: Just to make it easier on me I’m going to have their lockers next to each other, mkay?) But, since my luck sucks, he decided to come in directly after me. I fumbled with the lock on my locker and when I finally got it I pulled out what I’d need. Harry, who looked like he thought he was better than everyone else, made his way over to his locker and opened it with ease. This was my chance. This was my chance to talk to him.

I glanced over at him only to notice he was staring at me again. Without thinking, I mumbled out “Why do you hate me?” without looking at him.

A low chuckle escaped his lips and I knew he was amused by my question. He slammed his locker shut, got uncomfortably close to my ear, and whispered, “Everyone hates you, sweetheart.” before sauntering off and leaving me dumbfounded.

I watched him leave with tears in my eyes. This boy affected me more than anyone else ever has and it was almost scary. He was changing me. He was breaking my shell down and soon the vulnerable Anastasia will be exposed to everyone.

Feeling like I was being stared at by everyone, I made my way to class in a hurry. The teacher welcomed me with a smile but I didn’t look at her long enough to acknowledge her back, I just hurried to my seat and put my head down on the desk.

A tear rolled down my face but I made sure I wipe it away before anyone even thought they saw it. I wasn’t going to let anyone see me cry ever again.

All class the teacher didn’t call on me once and I didn’t raise my head once. My thoughts consumed my brain and by time the bell rang I was more confused than I was previously.

Standing up, I started for the door, my eyes bloodshot and red from unshed tears. The teacher stopped me at the door and earned a glare from my red eyes. “Anastasia, are you okay?” She asked, concerned.

I just shrugged and mumbled something she probably couldn’t understand and pushed my way past her and out the door. I made my way to Pre-Calculus where I got the same look from this teacher as I did the previous one but I did the same thing as before and ran to my seat.

This class seemed to speed by but only because I was dreading the next class the most. Gym. But even sooner than that was lunch. I didn’t know where Harry sat at lunch and I really didn’t care. Or at least I thought I didn’t care.

When the bell rang I stood up and left the room at the pace of a turtle. The lunch room wasn’t far away from my Pre-Calc room at all and I made it to it in no time at all.

When I got to my table I noticed something different. Something drastically different. Harry was sitting at my table. So I clenched my jaw and made my way over to him. “What are you doing here?” I asked with no tone in my voice whatsoever.

He looked up at me with a straight face and said nothing; nothing at all, just stared at me. Right when I thought he was back to normal a sadistic smirk rose to his face and he stood up. “Just trying to get your hopes up in thought that you had friends.” He spat harshly before walking off in the direction of the door.

I stared after him for what seemed like forever before I finally just collapsed into the chair and put my head in my hands. I don’t understand how some people can be your best friend one minute and completely turn on you for no reason the next.

Lunch was very short that day, considering I didn’t eat a thing and just sat with my head in my hands, dreading the next class for reasons already explained.

When the bell rang for Gym I was very reluctant at getting up and very seriously thought about faking sick and leaving for the rest of the day. I then remembered that if I showed up home early or my parents found out they would question me and I would have to explain. That is the last thing I want to happen because I know my parents would host another dinner with the Styles’ family.

I walked to Gym slowly, dreading each step my feet took. When I finally reached the Gym I opened the doors and stepped in. Everyone but two people were in there. Everyone but Harry and Valerie.

My stomach twisted in weird knots and I felt like I was going to vomit. That feeling intensified when they walked in, hand in hand, lips red and puffy from an obvious before class make-out session.

This was enough for anyone to go over the edge. I looked at the teacher and then back at Harry before I bolted it out of the Gym, tears flowing freely down my face.

Luckily for me, no one was in the hallway and once I reached my locker I slid down it to sit on the floor and just sobbed.

Apparently my sobs were so loud I couldn’t even hear the footsteps of the person who followed me running down the hallway because soon enough someone had their arms wrapped around me and were silently shhhing me.

I jumped away from the person and wiped the tears out of my eyes so I could get a good look at the person who was holding me. My eyes locked with the green eyes that I thought liked me and I felt anger build up inside of me.

“Look if you’re here to hurt my feelings again don’t waste your breath. I don’t know what you could say to make me feel worse. I’m already broken.” I muttered while scooting away from the curly haired boy. His face was like a stone statue as he stared at me.

In one quick second, his face softened and he reached out to me, his hand brushing a lock of my blonde hair out of my face and wiping a tear away simultaneously.

When he said nothing, I choked out “What do you want?”

“You.” He whispered softly and pressed his lips against mine.

A/N: Don’t worry I fucking confused myself too.

So we can assume that Harry’s bipolar. Critically bipolar. Damn boy.

Anyway comment, vote, fan, do your shit. 

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