Chapter Four- Harry

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The day went by quickly and I found myself back in the comfort of my room in no time. My cat was lying on my chest and my music was blaring. I found a small smile rising onto my face as I closed my eyes and sighed contently. I don’t know why I was so happy, but I was. Seconds later I was pulled out of my trance. My white iPhone 4S was vibrating on the table across from me, signaling me I had a message.

That’s funny, the only numbers I have are family members and they don’t talk to me. I stretched and hoped off my bed, walking over to the table and picking up the phone, pressing the home button and gazing at the screen. I laughed lightly when I realized how sneaky Harry could be.

You see, during 6th period I couldn’t find my phone and just before the bell rang, Harry came up to me and handed it to me, telling me I left it at lunch. He must have taken it and put his number in it. Very sneaky move there Harold, very sneaky.

Harry Styles; Hey! :)

I rolled my eyes at his text and tapped rapidly at the keys.

Ana Miller: You’re a creep, Harry. :D

I tapped the ‘send’ button and placed my phone back down on the desk, deciding to get on the computer and log onto Facebook. Yes, I have a Facebook. Just because I don’t talk doesn’t mean anything.

With my music still blaring, I logged onto the computer and my Facebook, seeing I had two new friend requests. With a spark of curiosity, I clicked the icon and watched it drop down. Of course, Harry was one of the people, so I quickly accepted, adding him to the 30 friends I currently had. The next was from someone named Chelsea Waterport. Since I didn’t know her, I just shook my head and clicked off of it, not ignoring the request but not accepting it.

By time I was finished with that, Harry had texted me back.

Harry Styles: That’s not nice… I just wanted your number so we could start talking :) nothing more!

Ana Miller: Lol I was joking…

I laughed at him and tossed my phone on my bed, standing up and deciding to go for a walk down to the local park. So, I grabbed a sweatshirt, threw on my shoes, snatched my phone, and headed out of my room after shutting off my music and my light.

My parents were sitting on the couch, watching some show and not paying any attention to the outside world. I won’t be surprised if they didn’t hear my faint ‘I’m going out’ and then the door slamming shut.

It was a cool fall evening, a comfortable cool, not an uncomfortable one. I took in a deep breath before I felt my phone vibrate once again.

Harry Styles: Where are you going? No, I’m not stalking you, I just happened to be looking out the window when I saw you leave.

Ana Miller: The Park just down the road. I go there all the time.

I shoved the phone into my back pocket of the skinny jeans I was wearing and threw my ear buds in, happily listening to the music that was on my phone. After about five minutes of walking, I felt a hand grasp my shoulder. My whole body froze as I slowly turned around to see who wanted to bother me. The person slowly started coming into my view and I relaxed once I realized it was just Harry.

“God, don’t scare me like that.” I scolded, ripping my ear buds out and putting them in my pocket. Harry smiled and muttered an apology, coming to walk beside me.

“I hope you don’t mind, I had nothing to do so I thought I’d accompany you to the park.” I glanced over at him to see that he was staring at me. My cheeks turned a bit red, but that could have been from the cold wind that just engulfed us. Most likely not, though…

“I don’t mind.” I assured him, stuffing my hands into my pockets and flipping my bangs out of my eyes. I need a haircut…

I saw a smile spread across his face from the corner of my eye, making me happy that I made him happy. “So,” I broke the silence, “How did you get my phone today?”

“Easy.” He smirked, running his fingers through the adorable curly mess that he considered hair. “You actually did leave it at your lunch table today, so I decided to snatch it up. Then I realized that I didn’t see you until 6th period and that you didn’t have a passcode soo… I decided why not?”

“Glad it was you and not some creepy kid.” I joked, taking a right and arriving at the park, immediately walking over to the swings and claiming one as mine. I sat there, motioning for Harry to come occupy the one next to me, but instead he sat on the woodchips in front of me. I gave him a weird look but didn’t say anything about it.

“Never really liked swings. Ever since 5th grade when I busted my head open while falling off one I’ve never been able to swing on one without fear.” I gave him a sympathetic look and got off the swing, sitting next to him on the woodchips.

“So, don’t mind how awkward I am, I just don’t know how this whole friend thing works.” I muttered, running my fingers through my blonde locks and leaning against one of the poles of the swing set.

“I had a few friends when I was younger, but not many. None of them liked me because I never wanted to hang out. I only liked sitting in my room and listening to music or reading a good book. I was a boring child.” Harry shrugged.

“My childhood was the same way, except for the few friends part.” I cracked a smile and gazed at him.

Two hours past with just the two of us sitting there, talking about the most random things.

“Hey, it’s getting late, we should probably get back.” I stood up and brushed myself off, waiting for Harry to do so as well so we could start heading back.

The walk back was much shorter than the walk there, possibly because it was fully of chatter, still about the most random stuff. I feel like I learned a lot about Harry today, and he’s not anything like the stuck up kids at our school.

Once back at my house, Harry walked me up to my door.

“Night Ana.” He smiled, extending his arms. I looked at him weirdly until he wrapped me in a hug. My first ever hug from someone who wasn’t a family member. I cherished this moment and wrapped my arms around him tightly before turning around and opening my front door.

“Night Harry.” I called to him before shutting the door, locking it, and smiling to myself.

The Girl Who Never Spoke [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now