Meeting the Bros

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Your P.O.V.

You climb the tree quickly, your tiny paws grabbing at the branches. You heard loud howling echo across the forest. You pant and reach the top of the tree. You look down and see four grey wolves growling and snarling at you.

Thank goodness you're a black bear.

"[Name]!" You heard someone yell out.

You look around yourself and see your blood-brother  Luka, on the tree to your right.

"Luka!" You say, worried for your elder brother.

The tree he was on was shaking, about to fall. You close your eyes and hear a loud thud. When you open them, the tree Luka was on, was on the ground.

"LUKA!" You scream.

You gasp. The tree you're on started to creak loudly. You clamp your eyes shut and hang onto the tree for dear life. You await a quick, painless death, and instead, there was nothing.

Instead, you hear an unfamiliar growl followed by some whimpers. You peek your eyes open carefully and see three weird colored bears at the bottom of the tree.

"Hey!" Called out the dirt colored one in a small voice, "Are you okay?!"

"Woah..." said the black and white one, "how'd they get up there?" He faced the brown one.

"Beats me," the brown replies, shrugging his shoulders, then looked back at you, "You can come down now!"

You hesitate, and carefully climb down. Your paws hit the soft grass and you look at the three bears curiously.

"Heya! I'm Grizz," said the brown one, "these are my brothers! Panda,"

Grizz motioned towards the black and white one, who smiled shyly.

"And our little bro, Ice!"

The white one just nodded.

"I-I'm [Name]," you say quietly, "Thanks for getting rid of the wolves..."

"No problem!" Panda chimed, "We saw a bear in need so we had to step in."

You smile at the three brothers, they seem really nice.

"So, [Name]," Grizz asks, "Where's your home?"

You sadden slightly at the mention of 'home'.

"Actually...I don't know where my home is..." you reply sadly.

"Oh..." Grizz looked down and pawed at the dirt.

Panda then seemed to get an idea because he smiled and said, "Why don't you live with us?"

You perk up at this question, "You guys would be okay with that?"

Grizz smiled as well, "Pan-Pan, you're a genius! Of course we wouldn't mind!"

You nod, "I would love to!"

So, that's how you ended up living with the bros.

A/N- Again, this is my first ever reader x character so I apologize if anything is confusing. However, some of the episodes will be in here. It's mainly just following a storyline BUT I will be happy to write you into one of the episodes. Just please comment the name of the episode and I'll do it asap!

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