Chapter 1

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(Hinata POV)

I glanced out the window of the car as mother pulled into the driveway. The sun was long gone, hidden by the horizon, the area being illuminated by the warm glow of the house's exterior lights and a streetlamp that stood nearby. The house was small and run down with an overgrown garden creeping its way onto the surrounding concrete and fence. The white paint was peeling off the battered wood exterior after years of battling the weather. It looked out of place next to the well-kept houses that lined the rest of the street.

I hesitantly opened the door and felt the cool evening air envelop me. I shivered and tightened my Karasuno volleyball jacket around me as I exited the car. I regretted wearing my training uniform, but my mind wandered back to the memory of earlier that day of Mother picking me up early from volleyball practice. I turned back to the car and retrieved a sleeping Natsu from her seat next to where I was situated. She twitched slightly as I gently held her in my arms but didn't wake up, nestling into the warmth my body provided her with.

Mother closed the door for me softly, having gotten out of the car quietly as well and led the way to the front door, opening it with the assistance of the new key that hung with the rest of her collection from her car keys. I took in my Mother's appearance. Her hair was pulled back into an unruly bun in which stray strands flung from. Her usual gentle features looked jagged and her eyes were swollen and red. The pale skin that hugged her was paler than usual and the usual fire was gone. She had looked worse when she arrived to pick me up earlier that day. If anything, she was looking less frantic and more relaxed, yet my heart still ached at the sight of her, wishing I could help to bring back her spark.

We entered the house, and I was surprised as to how warm it was, unsure as to how such an old house was keeping the evening cool out. My eyes glanced around the house as I slipped off my outside shoes and shuffled my feet into the guest slippers that were placed out for me. Mother had done the same and dragged herself to the kitchen. I followed her, still gently carrying Natsu in my arms, taking in the familiar house.

The house was delicate on the inside, unlike it's exterior. There was not a speck of dirt to be seen and nothing was out of its place. The lounge room housed a small couch and armchair situated around a small fireplace with a small television carefully tucked into the corner, still able to be seen easily from the seats. There was a small fire in the fireplace that helped to light the room and that gave the room its warmth. A small kitchen and dining room joined the lounge room, both as delicate and neat as the first.

Grandmother sat in the small dining room, reading a book when we entered. The book was quickly discarded when we came into view and her arms were quickly filled with Mother. Grandmother held Mother in her arms and stroked her head, cause strands to come free from her messy bun. Grandmother was short, much like the rest of us, with faded orange hair, having faded from age. It wasn't hard to tell she was family.

Grandmother began whispering to Mother, and I saw her chest rise and fall in shudders. She had been holding in so much to protect Natsu and I from everything, and even now she tried shielding her tear-filled eyes from my view. It hurt to see her so broken, clinging to her own Mother just as Natsu would to her when she was hurt. I had an urge to wrap my arms around them both and cry, letting my emotions flow from me, but I knew I had to be strong. Grandfather was no longer around, so I was the only male in the house. I had to step up.

"Shoyo, dear, it's getting late." Grandmother said caringly, still cradling Mother in her arms. "Why don't you set Natsu down in the spare bed and bring your luggage in for your Mother? I will pull out a blanket and pillows for you to set up the couch to sleep on."

I nodded; my mouth unable to shape properly words and my voice box closing as I choked back my emotions. I swiftly exited the room and left the two of them to talk, reminding myself to stay strong. The house was quite small, and I made it to the spare room quickly, gently setting Natsu on the far side of the double bed that occupied majority of the room. I quickly kissed her cheek and left, closing the door slightly so that the bright light from outside the room no longer hit her face.

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