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Waking up I knew I wasn't doing nothing today because this hangover was kicking my ass. I tried getting up when I looked down and saw a caramel arm with tattoos wrapped around me. I looked back and sure enough there was Dave sleeping peacefully behind me. Now I remember everything from last night but, I thought he would've been gone by now. Since he was still asleep I tried to ease out of his grasp slowly so that I wouldn't wake him up.
After a couple minutes I was finally free and he was still asleep. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a shower. I was in the middle of moisturizing myself when the bathroom door opened and Dave walked in. He went to use the bathroom before finally turning to me. I was naked but there's nothing he hasn't already seen.
"Toothbrushes are under the sink" I said while walking out to get dressed. I wasn't going anywhere but so I just settled for some blue shorts and white crop top. Once the pain meds kicked in I decided to go downstairs and make a small breakfast while he was in the bathroom doing whatever he was doing.
I decided to make pancakes,eggs, sausages and turkey bacon for him because I remember him saying he didn't eat pork. I was in the middle of cooking his bacon when he came downstairs.
"Damn ma it smell good in here." he said walking up behind me. "But I can't stay, I gotta go take care of some shit with herb."
"But I made this bacon for you. Just stay for breakfast."
"Nah, I wasn't even supposed to spend the night. Do you realize what time it is? Yo ass need to be making some lunch or dinner not no pancakes." That made me look at the stove to realize it was going on and it said 2:37 p.m. I can't believe I slept that late.
"Well we just got up so we can still eat breakfast and tell herb he just gone have to wait until you done." I said while shrugging my shoulders. "Plus the food almost done. Just sit down."
He sat down but I could feel him watching me. I guess we aren't gonna bring up what happened last night. Once the food was done I started making our plates sitting his in front of him first. "Apple or orange juice?" I said while holding the two juices up.
"Orange" he said taking a bite of his food. After sitting down I watched him intently really taking in this man that knocked me out off some head. From his caramel skin, to his soft pink lips, his white teeth, the way he unintentionally held this mug on his face, even the bushy eyebrows and patchy beard. He wasn't my type at all and here we are.
"You gone cook all this food and not eat? What you poisoned it or some?" He said while looking at me with his signature mug. "I eat yo pussy like that and you wanna kill a nigga? I thought we was cool meg." He said causing me to crack a smile.
"We are definitely cool. I didn't poison you either." I said rolling my eyes.
"This food good mama. You did ya thing" he said after he was done eating.
"Well you did ya thing last night, it was the least I could do."
After I said that he just kept staring at me, now I see how he felt when I was watching him.
"Let me do it again" He said out the blue. I was all for it but I knew Ari would be back any second since him and herb had to take care of something and I would not hear the end of that.
"You just said you and herb business to take care of." I said while loading the dishwasher.
"How about later on tonight? We can chill at my crib" He said wrapping his arms around me from behind and kissing my neck.
"I have work tonight and I won't be off until at least 2:30. I'm sure you'll be sleep by then."
"I'll pick you up. We'll probably be just getting done with everything by then. Where you work at anyway?"
"It's this club called lucky's playhouse. I'm a bartender I told you all this remember?"
"I remember you saying you was a bartender I didn't know which club though. Look mamas I gotta get outta here herb blowing my line down." He said while looking at his phone. "I'ma hit you up later so I can take you to work, text me what time you gotta be there." He said while giving me a hug and kissing my forehead making me melt a little bit.
Now it was time for me to get my nap in before Ariana loud ass get here.