Mission City

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Everybody started to move quickly as Lennox and the rest of our group were out first as Banacheck was yelling at people to get to the NBE One chamber. We were all running to the arms room and right when we got in there our group got right to work. Lennox and I were packing up our packs as Epps was loading our guns for us. The lights all flickered again as everybody looked up. We then heard a plop as Simmons started to load his gun again.

"You got to take me to my car. You got to take me to my car. He's gonna know what to do with the Cube." The kid asked in front of Simmons.

"Your car? It's confiscated." Simmons says quickly.

"Then unconfiscate it."

"We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing!" Simmons yelled.

"You don't know."

"Maybe you know, but I don't know."

"You just want to sit here and wait and see what happens?"

"I have people's lives at stake here, young man." I finally had had enough and walked over pushing Simmons into the vehicle he was leaning on.

"Take him to his car!" I yell. A Sector Seven agent pointed a gun at me while Lennox held a gun at him. We were all having a stand-off and nobody was going to back down.

"Drop your weapon, soldier. There's an alien war going on and your gonna shoot me?" Simmons said to me.

"First of all it's not soldier, it's Sergeant Major. And we didn't ask to be here." I said growling.

"I order you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction." Simmons said loudly.

"S-Seven don't exist." Epps says.

"Right. And we don't take orders form people who don't exist." Lennox said behind me. Thank god I have the boys backing me up on this.

"I'm gonna count to five. Okay." At Simmons saying this I grabbed my gun aiming it at his chest.

"Well, I'm gonna count to three." I said growling again. We had a stare off that I was definitely winning. There was no way that Simmons could get out of this unless somebody pried me off of him.

"Simmons?" Secretary Keller asks and Simmons looks at him.

"Yes, sir?" Simmons answers.

"I'd do what she says. Losing's really not an option for these guys, especially her." Secretary Keller for the win. If I wasn't trying to be intimidating, I would have smiled at him.

Simmons slowly started to nod and answered, "all right. Okay. Hey, you want to lay the fate of the world on the kid's Camaro. That's cool."

After that Lennox, like I said, had to pry me off before we left for the kids Camaro. While we were running to go see the kids Camaro I asked if the bot had a name. He told me his name is Bumblebee. Once we got into the room where they were freezing Bumblebee, Sam, as I learned his name and his girlfriend, and Mikaela started to yell at people to stop. Everybody was yelling at everybody to stop what they were doing. Our team came in with our guns ready in case anything happened.

Sam started to ask if Bumblebee was okay but instead of answering he started to wave his cannon around unsure of everybody. Everybody was too mesmerized by Bumblebee that they didn't really react. After Bee got off of the table he was on he started to calm down a little more. Sam then said that he can take him to the All Spark and after that we all started running towards the Cube. Once we got there Bee transformed and reached up and touched the Cube.

"Okay, here we go. He doing something. He doing something." Epps said as the Cube started to transform it self into a smaller cube. It was really a spectacle to watch.

"Message from Starfleet, Captain." Bee said through the radio. I guess he can't actually talk. He then finishes, "Let's get to it."

Lennox and I looked at each other as we started to come up with orders. He started, " he's right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hangar. "

"Mission City is 22 miles away. We're gonna sneak that Cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city." I said as Keller agreed with me.

"But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force." Lennox said as the Secretary turned to Simmons.

"This place must have some kind of radio link! Shortwave, CB."

"Sir, you got to figure out some way to get word out to them." Lennox was about to finish when I yell.

"Let's move!"

As we were leaving Bee transformed into his Camaro form as Sam and Mikaela got inside of him. I then yelled. "Mr. Secretary! Get our birds in the air."

Lennox then yelled after me. "When we get to the city, we're gonna find a radio, and I'll have Epps vector them in, okay?"

We heard him yell an affirmative as we were running towards the vehicles. I yell out as we approached the ATV's, "Set a perimeter around the yellow vehicle!"

We were driving behind Bee out of the Hoover Dam trying to put as much distance between the Dam and us. We were driving when 4 more vehicles were header our way, a semi with red and blue paint, an ambulance, a Porsche, and a GMC Topkick. I watch them drive by and then flip a u-turn driving behind us.

We were driving down the main freeway when we see a cop car and a mining vehicle coming up behind us fast. The mining truck was knocking cars out of the way not really caring. He then transformed and so did the semi. They started to fight as we all kept driving.

We arrived in the city and I told Lennox to stop at a pawn shop. When he gave me a confused look all I told him was that they are more than likely to have something. We stopped at a pawn shop while Lennox and I went inside to get radios. There weren't many but enough to make groups and stay together.

"Come on, let's go! Mount up!" I yelled running next to Lennox back to our vehicle.

"Here, we got shortwave radios." Lennox told Epps handing it to him. I hopped in the back as Epps looked confused about the radios.

"Wait. What am I supposed to do with these?" He sounds genuinely confused. I chuckled while Lennox told him.

"Well, use them! It's all we got!" As he jumped into the vehicle. We started to drive more into downtown to hide in between the buildings.

"This is like RadioShack dinosaur radios or something, man. I'm only going to get 20 or 30 miles out of these things. Are there any aircraft orbiting the city?" I heard a sound go over us and called out.

"F-22 at 12:00." Lennox started after I finished.

"All right, I want planes for air cover and get Black Hawks on station to extract that Cube. You got it?" We all stopped and got out and looked up to see the F-22 flying around. Although something wasn't sticking right with me. Why is there only one F-22?

"Air Force has arrived! Pop smoke!" Lennox yelled as Epps tried to communicate with it again and again.

"Guys something ain't right about this" I said after Epps called for an extraction. The GMC next to me then transformed catching me off guard and then Bee did as well. The GMC then yelled out,

"It's Starscream!"

Sergeant Major MoreshowerWhere stories live. Discover now