Timebreaker part 2

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Thomas: wait what happened to all of your tardis's ?

14: *sighs* our tardis's materialized in one another....

Thomas: so like the Russian nesting dolls?

17: yes exactly.

15: our tardis's aren't meant to hold this much energy. It's bound to explode eventually if we don't do something soon or move anywhere.

16: yes right now we need to figure out why we're stuck to begin with and how did we all get to the exact same spot.

14: ah excellent idea

16: as always.

15: wait how come you get to control the tardis?

14: because it's my tardis

15: it's all of ours

14: it's my interior and console. No one else gets to touch it except for me and Thomas.

14: aha I found the cause.

17: what is it?

14: apparently we're in the the middle of two currents pushing against each other.

Thomas: and because of physics the two opposite motions cancel each other out so we're motionless.

17: currents of what exactly?

Thomas: time?

15: it can't be because

Thomas, 14, 15, 16, 17: time is a big ball of wibbily wobbly timey whimey stuff.

17: unless it's a pocket of time. You know how time runs differently in some areas.

Thomas: like time zones?

16: something like that

14: you guys maybe onto something hold on a minute

14: okay so we were right it is time and I have a theory on why we're here.

17: and that is?

14: it's our time lines.

15: so our time lines mushed together and that's why we're here.

Thomas: yes.

17: and the only way we can get out is fighting against the current. So we have to generate enough energy to break free of the currents.

Thomas: where are we going to get all that energy?

14: what if we generate all of our tardis's? That amount will give us a power boost out of here and we can all go back to our time lines respectively.

15: are you out of your mind?

14: what?

15: that amount of energy will blow all of us up and our tardis's and that will most likely cause a Big Bang 3 and no more doctor?

16: again?

14: that never stopped anyone in history or it could generate more energy and get us out of here and the all of reality and the rips in time and space can be repaired.

Thomas: I agree that we do it

15: of course you do lover boy

Thomas: uh it's not like that!

16: it's worth a shot

17: I  say we do it.

14: it's 4 against one majority rules.

15: fine

*monitor turns on*

14: is everyone ready?

Thomas: yes

15: yes

16: yes

17: yes

14: on 3

15: 1

16: 2

17: 3

*tardis demateralizes*

14 and Thomas: it's working!

15: splendid

16: wonderful

17: gracias

Thomas: look! Our tardis is gaining more energy! It's going faster!

14: that means all of the other versions of me are going back to their own time lines.

17: goodbye doctor you were a good one

14: I'm just happy I get to be Scottish again and I'm ginger!

16: ah yes the ginger aspect

15: one less more energy good day.

16: well unfortunately it's my time to go. I miss being you

14: I look forward being you.

15: I guess that just leaves us.

14: that it does

15: well I can say that you were an alright regeneration.

14: well I'd be lying if I said that I look forward to being you but what will be will be and I'm ready for that. Goodbye doctor

15: *softly* goodbye


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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