Chapter Six

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Clean water had never been such a luxury. Fiore basted in the water until it was cold, begrudgingly pulling his sore body to his feet. They'd traveled many miles to get to the small village, Fiore switching between riding Maire and walking himself. The village was quiet by the time they'd arrived, making it incredibly convenient to get a room at the local inn. It was safe and quiet, the employee who gave them a room only giving them a slight suspicious glance from their raggy attire... but money was money, so after paying she'd allowed them to pass with a shrug.

Fiore was tense about resting in a public place, but after seeing Abir's shoulders relaxed and eyes cool he'd also eased up a bit. Usually, Abir had strange hindsight on any trouble, so if he was relaxed, then Fiore had no reason to worry... but that didn't stop him from worrying just a little bit. One had to always be cautious when you're a fugitive.

"Fiore? You done?" Abir's voice traveled across the room and through the fold-up wall where Fiore was bathing, one of the downsides of being on the run: the lack of funds. Abir had teased him a little about the one-room situation, musing on how they'd have to share a bed. Fiore of course huffed and claimed he'd take the floor before storming off to bathe. Even though he really really wanted to sleep in a bed for once,  he'd much rather than suffer than ever share a bed with Abir. Plus, he was more than used to sleeping on the ground by now.

"Yeah, what's it matter to you?" he snapped back, snatching a towel to pat himself dry before slipping his under robes on. He frowned at the dirt, already feeling dirty despite having just bathed. Oh well... it can't be helped. He sighed and shrugged off the feeling of disgust, hanging up his used towel and returning to the main room. It was amazing how much he'd adapted to life on the run. Even though he'd refused most of the services offered to him as a prince, he was still pampered. Most of that pampering went towards his hygiene, the Prince upholding his cleanliness almost as much as he regarded training.

"Good, because I've got to go get supplies. You can take the bed, I was joking before," Abir hummed in a carefree voice, sparing the still dripping wet Fiore a glance before pushing himself up from a chair with a bag in hand. Fiore took note of his wet mop of loose hair, hurriedly moving to pull it back into a messy tie. Abir didn't spare him another look, which Fiore was both confused and grateful for. At least he got the bed...

"Alright, but won't most places be closed? I don't think it's a good idea..."

"Worried for me, my Prince?" Abir asked with his hand on the door, eyes looking somewhere by Fiore's feet.

"Wha- No! Go die!" He spat out, blaming the fact he'd just bathed for his red flush.

Abir only, chuckled, pulling the door open. "Thank you for holding me in your thoughts, I'll be back soon. Only open the door if I knock like this..." He demonstrated by knocking five times, pausing for a second, and then knocking twice.

Fiore nodded, repeating the pattern in his mind until it was solidified. They had to be cautious after all. "Alright. Don't do anything stupid."

Abir mockingly pouted, eyes finally meeting Fior's. "Well, there goes my plans..." To Fiore's horror, Abr winked suggestively and bit his tongue, the Prince's heart jumping out of his mouth.

"Shut up! Will you go already, you're gonna get us killed you shameless dimwit!" He cried out, disregarding the whole idea of keeping a low profile.

Abir laughed unabashedly, sucking outside before Fiore could throw anything at him. Fiore was left alone in the room, fuming, writing, and absolutely flushed red. How dare he! Stupid idiot bastard!!

He swore Abir out in his mind until he'd calmed down enough to lie down on the bed and relax. The sheets were cheap, a little dirty, and pretty old... but at that moment they were the nicest thing he's ever laid on in his life. He almost fell asleep right there and then! But was kept up by his tolling consciousness, each time he closed his eyes the vision of Abir winking and biting his tongue popped into mind.

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