' be my baby '

809 16 14

liz's pov

I couldn't believe it. We were in Los Angeles, our new permanent home.

I was not excited though, tomorrow was the day i had to 'adapt' to the neighborhood. I did not want to go through the day with the feeling of having to make new friends. I missed everyone. I missed dad.


Be my Baby was playing on my headphones as the car pulled into our new driveway. I sighed and stepped out of the car without hesitation, which made me feel dizzy. I stared at the house in awe, it was huge.

"Dont just stand there Liz. Race ya, whoever gets upstairs first gets to pick their room" yelled my older brother Christopher. I smirked at him and bolted inside, i easily passed him and made it to the fourth step until he grabbed my leg and pulled me down. I yelped a little, but then yanked his shirt. He laughed and pulled me back by my arm, though i got rid of his arm around mine and made it upstairs on my knees.

"To you, I let you win" he said

"And to you, I won" i replied

We looked at eachother and laughed but then excitement rushed into my body as I saw all the rooms. Of course i picked the one with a closet and a bathroom. Which also happened to have a window with a little couch. I peeked out the window and it gave me a perfect view of the beautiful sunset which I stared at until mom called me downstairs.

"Yes mom?"

"Would you help me with these sweetie?"

She was standing outside with boxes which I grabbed and left on the kitchen island. Chris then walked in with boxes with his name all over it. We continued this till the u-haul truck was empty.


After the boxes situation, we had enough time to at least drag our beds into the rooms and decorate a little. I grabbed all of my shampoos, lotions, skincare, robes, towels & teeth stuff into my bathroom and set it up to my desire. My bed was simple, a queen sized with white covers & white pillow cases. The only things that stood out were my stuffed animals, the one my cousin gave me for my birthday & the one i had made at build-a-bear with my best friend Miracle.

I walked out, and into Chris's room which didn't look bad. His bed looked exactly like mine. Only difference was that his didn't have any stuffed animals and it was a king bed. He was pulling stuff out of his baseball box and once i walked over i noticed he had put mine in there too.

" Hey! thats mine Chris"

He chuckled and said " I know, you were about to leave it and all your boxes were closed."

" Thank you " I smiled.

He handed me by baseball's and my two bats, along with my two gloves.

"Hey, lets go look for a field" He said.

I looked up with brightened eyes and nodded quickly. We ran downstairs and he shouted a "Mom, we'll be back in a bit" I could hear her faint voice reply with an ok but we continued running.


The walk was silent. Not an awkward silence though. We got to a point where there was a fence and at the opposite side was a field. We stopped in place and just stood there admiring it.

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐎𝐧 || 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐳 ♡ Where stories live. Discover now