We know there was a list of rules previously mentioned, but there are a few more guidelines we'd like to set down.
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1. We've said it again and we'll say it once more,
no amount -- not even a tiny bit -- of rudeness or bullying or any other forms of hostile behavior is tolerated. This applies to both outsides and inside your designated group.2. You are not to make any degrading comments
towards any of the other participants' work and/or insult them in any way. This applies to both mentors and participants.3. You are prohibited from sharing and or discussing matters related to the prompt and/or plans of your group to other group members. You are also only to seek help and/or guidance from your designated mentor(s) and are not allowed to consult the other groups' mentors.
4. Mentors are not allowed to make any changes to a contestant's entry on behalf of them. They are only allowed to guide them through the course of this camp.
5. Any sort of bribery or unfair treatment will not be tolerated and will have serious consequences regardless of the parties involved.
6. All entries are to be turned in by their deadlines and are to be mailed to our designated discord channel in the server or our email address graphicbootcamp@gmail.com. They also need to be posted in their designated book along with a compilation of the resources used in the making of that entry (and the link of the book must be sent along with your submission).
7. Contestants are also required to include the following information in their entry books:
- The title is to be either 'Graphic Boot Camp 2020 Entries | Batch 1' or 'GBC 2020 Entries | Batch 1'
- It must have the tags: #GBC, #batchone, #2020 and #(your group)
-The description should include the statement: 'Hosted by @GraphicBootCamp
8. All contestants must be active on Discord and pay attention to their mentor's advice and conditions as well as remain respectful towards them. Mentors should also return the respect to their group members.
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That marks the end of the rules, the rules for open voting and judging will be mentioned in the book for the entries titled 'Graphic War 2020 Entries', now we move on to the next bit!
De TodoYep, just as the title suggests, the official war part of GBC will take place here. Don't fret too much, though because we'll do our very best to make sure no blood is spilled. Pinky promise... Now, without further adieu, let us unleash the impendi...