Part 1

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I came to a clearing in the woods. An old, huge tree stump in front of me. I was panting, like I had just ran for my life. But I can't remember why I was running in the first place. I felt fear and nerves run all over my body. I think I've done this before. I can feel déjà vu wash over me. It was something about the tree stump that seemed familiar. Like a memory passed down. Suddenly the fear becomes stronger and I feel like I must run away. I turn and turn, trying to find what I must run away from. A huge beast hides in the dark shadows of the moonlight. It roars loudly causing my ears to ring. I whip around to the opposite direction and start to run.
I'm shaken awake by my mother. She has worry written all over her face. This isn't the first time I've had a night terror and have screamed from it. She sits down on the edge of my bed. She goes to say something, but there's not much to say. I sit up and wipe the sweat off my forehead. Mom looks over at my wall that is covered with polaroid pictures of friends and family and vacations. "Same one?" She asks softly.
I look over to my closet which is empty. All of it's contents in boxes by the front door. "It felt like it. But I can't remember any of the dreams." Mother stands up looking at me and smiles "Beacon Hills will be a fresh start. I promise you." She gives me a kiss on my forehead before leaving. She makes one more comment before getting out of my view. "We leave in a few hours. Pack up the rest of your stuff and you can sleep in the car. It's a few hours drive."
It's two hours past dawn now and I feel restless, like I do every night. I had did what my mother asked and packed up the last of my belongings. I dread moving, but it's a fresh start that's needed. That's needed because of me. We don't talk much about what happened. My parents speak nothing of it and almost pretend that it never happened. I get dressed in faded black leggings and a light blue hoodie. I pull my shiny brown hair into a messy bun. My face free of makeup like I've had it for the past few months. I hear mother call me from the kitchen. Probably trying to rush in putting away the rest of the silverware. The moving truck gets here in thirty minutes and she has yet to have everything packed up and ready. She's nervous though, I can tell. Even though she smiles through it and pretends she's not upset about moving. Not upset about what happened. I go towards the kitchen grabbing the bubble wrap from outside the doorway. She's grabbing the last of the fine china. I pass her some of the bubble wrap. She's smiles and I help her wrap up the last of the china. "Well are you all ready?" She asks tapping up the box. I sigh and nod my head looking around the kitchen. "I know it's hard. It's hard on all of us. But this change is needed." She says. She means the change is needed for me. I turn towards her "Mom," I pause not knowing how to forum the words "When is dad coming back? You said he would be back in time to help us move. But he hasn't even been here for a month."
She sighs, shaking her head "Don't worry about him. We've got everything packed up and ready to go. Your father will meet us there." She says that sternly. I've crossed a line but she's trying hard not to get mad. I can tell by the way she turns to try to find something else to pack up. But there's nothing left to pack up. We turn our heads towards the front door when we hear a honk, it's the moving truck. My mother smiles and grabs the box on the counter and walks towards the front door. "I've hired a few men to help us with the boxes."
The moving truck is loaded and mother has told me to wait in the car while she tells the driver one last time where the address is and to follow us. Mom hops in the car and starts the drive there. She tries to make small talk but I am unbothered to answer her. Instead I pull out my headphones from my backpack and start listening to music. It's an hour afterwards when I pull out my headphones from my ears and turn off my music. Mom has pulled out a snack for the both of us. She hands it to me; it's a ham and cheese sandwich. "Thought you might be a little hungry." She starts to eat hers. I look in the back trying to find where she had these. The backseat it covered in bags and a few boxes. "Where did you even get these?" I ask. "In the lunchbox that you missed completely." I shake my head and eat the sandwich. After finishing the sandwich, I grab a blanket from the back and cover my legs. I lean my chair back a little and get into a comfortable position. Even if I succeed in falling asleep, I'm sure it won't help any.
It's another three hours before we arrive. My mother shakes me awake, "Hey, look where we are!" I lift my head up just in time to the see the welcoming sign, BEACON HILLS. Mom seems excited as she grips the steering wheel on the top and leans forward a little. "I haven't shown you the house. So, I hope you like it. It took me a while to find. But I think I got a good deal on it." She says as she turns into a street. We pass several houses and streets before she pulls into a driveway. The house before us is smaller than our old house. But there's flowers outside the front and a little porch. It's a two-story, off-white, almost cottage like house. I can definitely tell mother choose this out. She goes for this kind of aesthetic. Mother claps her hand and gets of the car just as the moving trucks gets done backing into the driveway. Mother tells me to go inside and look around while they get the boxes. She tells me to fetch the key from the mailbox and a box. I grab the key first and than grab a box from the backseat. I go to the front door and unlock the door. I walk in being meet with a fairly sized living room. The stairs to the upstairs are to my left and straight ahead I can see part of the kitchen. To my left more is a bedroom, probably the one mom will take. I walk into it dropping the box by the stairs. The bedroom is somewhat big and has a bathroom attached, It's the master suite. Mom will definitely take this room, it has a great view of the flowers in the front yard. I walk out not really caring to see the bath as I will most likely not be using it. I walk up the stairs curious as to what my room will look like. I arrive at the top of the stairs. To my left is a short hallway with a linen closet and bathroom. I walk to the other side of the hallway towards two bedrooms. I enter the bedroom to my right, it's small and almost like a playroom rather than a bedroom. I turn around immediately and walk to the other bedroom. It's a little bit small than the master suite and has a huge closet. The ceiling is diagonal on one side. With a natural light widow. Mom knew I would like this. Which I do and I smile a little bit. I go back out the room and continue my exploring of the house. Kitchen looks close to our last one. The sink over looking the backyard with the dishwasher beside it. To my right is the stove and fridge to the far corner. In the middle of the kitchen is a breakfast bar. There is a dining room off to the left. We would have no need for it though. I go out into the living room. There's another room but the doors locked. I sigh in disappointment, probably something mother doesn't want me to see. Mother comes through the door with a box and I notice that some boxes have been moved to the living room. Along with the couch and dining room table and chairs. She smiles and comes over to me swinging her arm around my shoulders and giving me a squeeze. " Don't you just love it!" She lets me go and takes a look around "Theres so much nature light and it's so warm." She looks towards me for my agreement. I shrug my shoulders and put my hands in my hoodie pocket. "Hey, come on start unpacking. I've got an idea on where to have diner." She leaves back out to the moving truck. I frown and start doing as she told.
It takes us a while but we've finally unpacked and it feels a little like home. Sure we didn't have much since mother got rid of most of the old stuff. But it's nice. We were sat on the floor in the living room. A shaggy rug in the middle and our L shape gray couch placed around it. The dark brown coffee table next to the front door as we hadn't moved it yet and was using the space to go through our boxes. Mother stands and smiles her hands on her hips. "My oh my, it sure does feel a whole lot better with everything almost put in place. Don't you think?"
I stand with her "I guess so." She smiles and gives me a hug. I could feel her emotions. She was happy but I could still feel her sadness. I slowly hug her back. I know why she was hugging me. It wasn't because she was happy it was a smooth move in day. She was hugging me because she felt bad for what happened. It wasn't her fault but she felt like it. She lets me go "Now about diner. There's this place that have great reviews and it's not too far from our house actually." I nod my head and she goes to the front door grabbing both our bags from the coffee table, "Let's go than." I follow her and grab my bag from her hand. We race to the car and we both jump in. We laugh and I quickly quiet down and look the other way. Mom stops laughing soon after me and sighs. "I haven't heard that laugh in a while, flower." Her nickname for me rings through my ears. She hasn't called me that since after the accident. I turn towards her quickly. My face covered in fear and I stare at her. Trying so hard not to cry. She covers her mouth and try's to apologize but I stop her. "It's okay. It's okay. Mom it's okay." I drop my expression and her face washes over with relief for a second. "Clara, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
"I shouldn't have reacted like that. How about we got get dinner and forget about this?" I smile a little and she nods her. We arrive at the restaurant and it's a somewhat normal restaurant. We eat within an hour and head back home. I yawn as mom pulls into the driveway. She gets out and we walk in "You can take the couch I'll take the blowup mattress in my room. I'll see you in the morning, yeah?" I nod and she tosses me a blanket. I lay down on the couch and quickly fall asleep.
I am awoken by a cold breeze. I sit up and try to find my blanket, but all I hear is crunching underneath my hand. I jump up on my feet and look around. I'm out in the woods, light barely visible. A growl comes from behind me and I turn towards it. Eyes peer at my from behind a bush and I turn to run the other way. I dash past trees and push branches out of my way. I take a turn and run into something.

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