❆ Snowdrop ∗.*

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Jisoo was playing the female main lead in the romance drama Snowdrop, so her boyfriend decided to play in that drama too.


"You never told me there was a kiss scene"

"Tae it's a romance drama of course there would be kiss scenes."

"Kiss scenes?! So there is more?" His sudden loud voice made her jump in surprise.

"Jeez Tae.." she hissed. "Don't be jealous okay? It's just a quick peck and there are no feelings attached alright?" Jisoo reassured him.

Taehyung has been aiming for the male main lead since the beginning, but unfortunately the role was snatched right  before his reach and he couldn't to shit about it.

So Instead of playing the main role he got to play a supporting character:
Jisoo's brother

When he first heard the news he was honest really pissed. The main reason why he wanted to play the main character is because he didn't want others to play it.

It's not cool to see other guys hugging and holding hands with your girlfriend.

'That Jung HaeIn better be careful'

He's been low key setting curses on that guy. Just because he was more experienced than Taehyung, didn't mean he was more fit for the role. Duh.

And just because of this little thing, Jung HaeIn gets to enjoy his time with Jisoo and now he even gets to kiss her. Great.

"Just a peck?"

"Just a peck"

"No feelings attached?"

"Not even a little bit"

"Pinky promise?" She laughed at his childish behavior. Honestly he was just too much, but what could she do? One of the reasons why she fell in love with him was his irresistible cuteness. And guess she will never get tired of it.

"Promise." she entwined their pinky's and he patted her on the head. Seeing her smile so brightly just made him want to tug her into his arms and never let go.

A few days passed by and They both were currently in the studio filming the next scene.

"Hey Jisoo" a voice that belonged to no other than Jung HaeIn himself almost made Taehyung gag in disgust.

"Hi oppa!" She exclaimed while walking towards him, completely forgetting Taehyung who was sitting right beside her.

He precisely observed them and noticed that they've gotten quite close although they've just met a week ago.

A little too close for his liking.

Every night he would call her and low key ask her questions about Jung Hae In.
Like 'are you two close?' , 'are you already replacing me?' , 'how has work with Jung been?'
And she would always only answer with 'he is just a friend'

He trusted Jisoo and knew that she was never going to cheat on him, but seeing them this close with no three feet distance is absolutely unacceptable.

"Hi HaeIn how is life going?"

Not only HaeIn was surprised by his sudden deeper voice but also Jisoo jolted a little in place.

"Oh hey V." He awkwardly laughed.

"Oh please, call me Taehyung or even better...Jisoo's boyfriend." His arm clutched onto her waist and with a little bit of muscle power he pulled her body towards his.

He smirked as he saw the shocked expression on the male's face. Looking down he expected kind of the same for Jisoo, but he was not prepared to be met with an angry gaze.

"Please excuse us." She shortly smiled before pulling Taehyung into the corner of the room.

Once they were out of earshot Jisoo began to huff angrily.

"What kind of a macho move was that? Did you have to pull that off in front of him? you know how embarrassing that was?-"

She wasn't able to continue any further when she saw his pouty lips and weighed down eyes.

Her lips trembled slightly before heaving out a long sigh.

"Tae. Tell me what's wrong. You've been acting really weird when HaeIn oppa is around-"

The man scoffed.
"Oppa...you don't even call me that."

"It's not the right timing for this Tae." She rolled her eyes, growing more and more impatient.

"Isn't it obvious Jisoo?"

The girl showed her confusion by furrowing her brows.
"What do you mean?"

A small smile made it's way to his lips.

Even angry Soo was adorable.

"I'm jealous, Soo."

"J-Jealous? but we are really only-"

"Friends. I know." He sighed. "I'm sorry, I should've been more understanding. I guess i was just too blinded by jealousy that i forgot about your feelings." Unable to resist he gently squeezed her cheeks and let out a small laugh.

"And if you wanna break up with me that's fine-"

A soft thud was heard when she abruptly hugged him.
"What are you talking about? I would never leave you. But please, stop getting jealous over HaeIn. It's annoying."

They both giggled and didn't bother to break the hug.

In the end they both learned that true love wasn't always unicorns and cotton candy. But after every storm, there will eventually be a rainbow.


Wrote this in honor of the upcoming
Guys please don't misunderstand, I like Jung Hae In. No hate. So peace✌️.

Thanks and support snowdrop drama!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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