Chapter 2

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*at 6 a.m in the mansion*
I woke up and prepared myself to meet my whole classmates.and i accidentaly bumpped Le Comte by accident.
"I'm sorry brother,i need to go fast to the Louve Pyramid,i need to meet my whole class mates" i said
"okay,just be carefull" he said
"okay,bye hermano(brother)" i said
"bye hermana(sister)" he said as i walked out and traveled to the hotel and take a taxi to go to the Louve Pyramid
*at the Louve Pyramid*
As i arrived,i saw all of my classmates waiting for me as i approach slowly.
"what are you looking at?" i asked as my whole classmates jumped of their feet
"sorry i'm late.turns out that i met my brother in the way so we talked but turns out i forgot what time is it"i said
"it's okay Vinda,now where do we start" our principle Mr.Sunarjo said
"oh right,right this way everyone" i said as we walked in
-------------------------------------------- time skip to the middle of the trip-------------------------------------
"and this painting is made by-"i said as someone rushed to me and said
"miss,this is for you" the tour guide said as he gave me an emvelope with my hermano's stamp.
"thanks for delivering this to me" i said
"your welcome miss" he said as he left
"what is that,Vin?"jane asked
" a letter from my brother" i said in a confused tone
When i opened and read it,i was shocked and i said to them
"dont go anywhere,i will be right back,i have business with my brother" i said
"but wait,what about the tour?" Mr.Sunarjo asked
"it's no important anymore,my brother's friend is sick and nobody knows how to help him" i said as i ran away
*at the basement*
"i hope this gate way still works" i said as i opened the basement door and walked inside
As i walked inside i saw a light and i keep on walking,then i was teleported to the mansion as i walked to Napoleons part of the mansion but i dont kow that they will come
# Mr.Sunarjo's POV#
Why does she left for that little thing? Well,i want to know where she was going so i asked for a vote
"students and teachers who wants to find where Vinda is going raised you're hands" i said as everyone raised their hands
"let's follow her before it's to late"i said as we follow her
As we ran and following her we are at a basement and she stops and she muttered something and goes inside so we follow her and go inside as well but when we got inside she's gone but when we are going back a sudden light came as the light toned down,we opened our eyes as we are confused on where are we.
"principle,where are we?" Jane asked as all of the students are in fear
"i don't know Jane" I said and when a sudden noticed a man showed up and turns out that he is Jean
"what are you guys doing here?" Jean asked
"we are finding Vinda" i said
"well the one you looking for isn't here and how do you guys get here" jean explained and asked
"i don't know either" i said
"Mr.Jean i was betold that the preperation of the Supper is done,Kineria told me to call you and Mr.Napoloen and the guests" someone said as i confused as well
"thank you sebastian,i must be off" Jean said as he walked away
"i've been expecting you Mr.Sunarjo and Kineria's Friends" The Sebastian guy said
"oh,okay" Our English teacher Ms.Ning said
"join the supper the masters has been expecting you all in the supper" sebastian said
"okay,so where is it?" ms.ning asked
"right this way gentlemans and ladies" sebastian said as he walked away and we followed him
*at the the stairway*
"well,turns out you all are our guest" someone said
"who's that?" i asked but no answers
"That will be Mr Arthur and William" Sebastian said
"well they look delicious" Arthur said
"don't be rude Arthur,they're our guest,we don't want to upset Kineria and Le Comte" William said
"C'mon Mr.Arthur and Wiliam we are late to the supper" sebastian said
"yes Sebastian" they said as they left
"follow me" sebastian said as he led us to a big dining room
*at the dining room*
#Gloria's POV#
"wow it's huge" i said
"Yup,we were expecting guest" Sebastian said
"well,well,well,who we have here,guests" someone said in our backs as we jumped in surpised
"Mr.Leonardo manners" sebastian said
"Yes,sebastian" he said as he sits
"well, you guys are here in a moments noticed" the one named Germain said
"yeah we didn't know it was you're house" i said
"yeah it's not mine it's kineria's too" He said
"well,sebastian is everybody here?" he asked
"not everyone sir,there is still napoleon who is sick,Kineria who is helping him to get here and Mr.Osama Dazai" sebastian reported to Him
"who said my name?" Some one said and jumped into the view
"i did Mr.Osama,you're late" Sebastian said
"Osama what did i say about jumping off windows" he said
"not to go in windows" Dazai said
"Who's juping off windows again?" some one said as we jumped in suprised
"Dazai Ms.Kineria" Sebastian said
"Osama Dazai,i will kill you if you jumping off windows agai,is that understood?" Kineria said
"yes,Ms" dazai said as he sits down
Kineria helps the one called "Napoleon" to sit and asked in a deadly calm voice.
"I told you guys to not come here"she said
"Sorry miss,we don't know" our principle said
"it's to late anyways,the full moon is gone,you guys have to stay here for a year," she said
"why it's too late,Miss?" i asked
"it's because you traveled back in time" she said as she transformed into Vinda!? And everyone is shocked
"it's in the rules that timetraveling can be done in a full moon,but now the full moon is gone you guys have to stay here untill the Full moon rises again and that approcemaly 1 year" she said
"Vinda!?!?!?!" all of us shouted
"okay,you guys know that's not a big deal!" she said to the one named Le Comte
"But Hermana(sister)"Le Comte said
"You guys introduce you're selfs and i will be going for a misson bye" she said ans she left
"sorry about her,she doesn't want you guys to be involve in this mess" Le Comte said
"It's okay,Le Comte" Our Principle said
"let's introduce as well" Le Comte said
"My name is M.Comte de Saint Germain you guys can call me Le Comte" he said
"and the one that you know as Vinda,it's Kineria's Cover name her real name is Kineria Armada Surya,the Unbeatable Spy" He said
"i guess i'm next" someone said
"Napoleon,Napoleon Bonoparte" The one named 'Napoleon' introduce himself
"Mozart,Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" the one named 'Mozart' said in a monotoned voice
"Leonardo,Leonardo Da Vinci" the one named 'Leonardo introduced himself
Wait i just realized some thing napoleon,mozart,and leonardo they're the historian people
"you guys are from the history!" I shouted
"Well,she knows well about history lessons"Sebastian said to Le Comte
"it's true miss.." Le Comte said
" Just Gloria please and Vinda told me about Your history,Napoleon's history,Mozart's,Loenardo's,Thoedorus',Vincent's,Jean's,Issac's,and ETC and you guys are infront of me" i said
"Its true Gloria we are from the hitory it includes you're own friend Gloria" Le Comte said
"what!?" all of them are shocked
"so Vinda is Kineria and Kineria is from the history,what history is she?"I asked
" she is from the greeks and romans history Gloria" he said
"that is a long time ago,how is she alive?"i asked
"she can't die even thought she is hurt badly" he said
"so that means that Issac Newton,Jean D'arc,Vincent Van Gogh,Theodorus Van Gogh,Osama Dazai,Arthur Conan Doyle,and William Shakespear!?"i asked in a shock
"yes ,Gloria,all of us are here" Issac said
"You know them?" our Principle asked
"no,but i know their history so yeah" I said
"Gentlemans and students do you want to see Kineria fight?" Le Comte asked
"sure,lead the way Le Comte" Celine said
*at the secret room*
#LeComte's POV#
We walked to Kineria's part of the mansion and into the secret room
"here we are" I said
"it's dark" Tere said
"yeah,Fiona,lights on please,code: Hermano24" i said
"welcome Germain" a voice said
"gentlemans and students,this is Fiona,Kineria's/Vinda's AI" i said
"welcome Gentlemans,teachers,and students,i'm Fiona.Kineria made me when she was 10.i'm the families personal AI" Fiona said
"Gloria said Fiona protocol introduction,code:Sherrycherry05"I said
"okay,Fiona protocol introduction code:SherryCherry05" she said
"welcome Gloria Elizabeth" Fiona said
And a video comes up
"Play it Fiona" she said
And the Video rolls
_The Video_
There is Vinda wearing an armor,she looks good on it and i think is in a diffrent form.
"Hi Gloria,it's me Vinda/Kineria,i actually going to go for a mission.if you see this either you have discovered the secret room with all of our classmates with Le Comte/just roam here and know it your self" she said and she giggled
"sorry if i left you guys alone with all of the person in the mansion,Gloria if you're asking that the one's that i told you about the historic people is there is because they rebirth or a given second chance by the one beside you,if you see this i'm not mad but shocked and sad that you guys find out this because...."she stops there and stops the video and another video came up
"sorry for that the video,i was welped up emotions i was saying because....." she said long pause

Sorry guys cliff hanger in this chapter but i will finish for the next chapter so bye!

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