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I walk home with Tina and Gene.
"So, Louise how was your... interaction with Rudy?" He says with a cheesy smile smeared across his face.

"Shut up!" I spit as my face flushes.

I suddenly picture myself running Bob's Burgers with Rudy, I then chuckled to myself and smile at the thou- No stop this crap! It's disgusting, Me!

We finally make it to the restaurant.

"Tina can you go get the napkins from the delivery, Gene you go hand out samples." Dad says to them then stares at me sternly.

"Louise, I heard that you got in trouble twice today!" He says pounding his fists on the counter.

"Dad, I was helping-" "You know what!? I'm tired of your behavior, go to your room!" He yells.

I walk to the living room grab Dad's computer and walk into my room, I lock the door behind me.

I open the laptop and enter the login info and log into WhoSocial.

BurgerBunny: Sup!

RegularSizedIdiot: Hey.

BurgerBunny: So did you get in touble?

RegularSizedIdiot: Yeah.

BurgerBunny: Half of this is your fault.

RegularSizedIdiot: Sorry.

BurgerBunny: Frond is going to have one horrible smelling office tommorow.

RegularSizedIdiot: R.I.P. Mr. Frond - Death of suffocation.

RegularSizedIdiot: I have to go now, Bye.

BurgerBunny: Bye.

I close the laptop and lay on my bed.

Next Day

Rudy's PoV

I walk to school, attempting to pronounce my last name over and over again.





I bump into Tyler.

"Watch where you're going, Stolenbitz!" He yells looking down at me.

I quickly get up. "Uh, sorry." I stutter.

Tyler pulls a knife out of his pocket and walks towards me, he cuts a deep wound into my cheek slowly so I feel every single ounce of pain. My eyes shut as my body falls to the ground.

(I'm going to assume that Rudy faints at the sight of blood)

Louise's Pov

Hehe Ha Haha, Idiot!

I hear laughing near the school so I look on the side of the school to see Tyler and his group of assholes laughing at Rudy's passed out body.

"Hey Jackasses, leave before I fucking kill you!" I yell, knowing what I can do they run away.

I walk over to Rudy, I see a deep slit in his cheek. I quickly rummage through my backpack seeing rubber cockroaches, stink bombs and- Aha! A first aid kit with a multi-tool and box of matches attached to it I open the box and grab a alcohol wipe and treated his wound, I then put a bandage on his cheek.

I sit next to Rudy and wait, Its better than learning about the anatomy of a banana. I look at him realizing that the wound is on the cheek that I usually slap, I laugh to myself.

"Man do I love you, Rudy." I sigh. "I love you too." I hear a familiar raspy voice reply to my sick thoughts. My cheeks turn rose red, I look at Rudy his usual awkward smile is plastered on his face. "Hey, uh can we kiss?" He asks, stuttering. "I guess?" There's a awkward silence inbetween us for bit, this interaction was much longer.

I feel gross describing literal NINE YEAR-OLDS making out (well it's better than people who ship Louise and Logan)

Rudy takes a puff of his inhaler and we walk to class.

After class.

"Do you still have the spiders?" I ask Rudy. "Yeah, I had to hide then from my mom." He replies. "Ok, once Tyler leaves for lunch we're going to quickly open the jar in the locker and then close the locker." "Got it!" He exclaims.

Tyler leaves school to get hot lunch from his dad's country club.

Me and Rudy walk over to Tyler's locker I use a pipe wrench that I borrowed from Teddy to break the lock and open the locker, Rudy puts the jar of spiders in the locker and open it the closed the door.

"Hah that was- heh very stressful." He pants, taking a puff of his blue inhaler. "Good job!" I say giving him a high-five.

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