George and Anne

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"Hurry up George! I can see a cave close by!"

Anna cried to her husband as she thankfully sat down into the cold cave.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."George said.

The sound of Kredillos breathing filled the cave as they came rushing by it. The breathing lingered for a moment, and then droned away.

"Have you got him?"

"Yes, he's in my arms."

"Thank God.Is he crying?"

"No, he's frightfully calm."

"We're safe here for the moment. Pass me the milk bottle."

He gave her the bottle and she proceeded to feed the baby.

They settled down together in the cold comfort of 'their' cave.

A year had passed since Emperor Klevis had ordered for all Anines and Yonrets to be killed.It had only been three months since baby Alex was born, but the couple fled the city of Dedrall since the announcement of the Royal Command.

George was a twenty year old Anine, with scarlet eyes and a handsome face. George was a very powerful Anine for his age.He could defeat twenty Anines bigger than him and still continue.Still, He couldn't battle all those Kredillos by himself. But he had to save his son. When Alex was born, he swore to himself that he would protect his son and his wife till his last breath.

He glanced at his son.Alex was playing with his tiny baby feet, laughing and squealing as his fingers rubbed against the sole of his feet. Alex looked happy for now, although he was sick for most of the journey and had become a wretched and sickly child. He was nothing like how the prophecy had said he was. How different things would have been had it not been for that stupid prophecy, he thought to himself. We would have been sitting in my hut and drinking hot coffee and eating chocolate pancakes, he dreamed.

He gazed at the mother of his child. Anne was very attractive for a Yonret, and when she was calm she looked even more so. She was as cool as a cucumber and even in these times of peril, Anne looked relaxed.No wonder I'm attracted to her,mused George.

He was enjoying their time together and was starting to drone off, when Anne woke him up.

"Wake up silly! You've got to get food for us in the nearby jungle. Alex will be waking up in five minutes!" Anne insisted.

"How do you know that?" George said, rubbing his eyes and yawning profoundly.

"I'm his mother, and I should know that better than anyone!"

"That's for sure."

"Hurry up!Four minutes left!"


"And listen."

George turned.

"Be safe out there for me"

George smiled, and walked out of the cave.

"I will."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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