Is She Okay?

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"Connie?" Steven whispered out to the ceiling. The girl laying on his chest looked up at him and smiled.


"Do you think she's okay?"

"I'm sure she is," Connie laid her body out on top of his.

"Do you think she is...? What if her heart stops again?"

"It would notify us Steven," She kissed him softly. "She's okay,"

He sighed and kissed her back. "Where's Lion?"

"He's with her," Connie laughed. "Do you wanna go check on them?"

"Can we?"

She nodded and sat up, her legs on either side of his boys body "Remember you need to be careful, cord are everywhere.." She kissed him again.

Steven nodded as she got off him and lead him to the room at the end of the hall way. He was pretty much banned from the room after spending day after day in the room without sleep.

She looked at him and nodded. Steven took a deep breathe and held onto his wife as she opened the door. Lions ears twitched as the two came through.

Connie smiled at the animal as she lead her child like husband in. He huddled closer to her as they approached the crib. 

The crib had many wires coming out from in between the openings. A baby sat in the middle wide awake, not crying or smiling, just staring at the ceiling.

Connie sighed softly as she undid the binds from the baby and picked her small body up slowly. "Hey mimi..." The baby smiled and used her small hand to grab her moms hand. "See? Shes okay," she looked back at him.

Steven looked down at the small baby and his wife. They both looked so happy, he didn't want to ruin it. He just nodded.

Connie smiled again at the baby and kissed her head, the baby giggling in response. Lion came up to her and licked Connie's arm.

Connie bent down and let the lion lick the child face. She smiled softly and then stood back up. "Do you want me to call my mom so you could understand more?"

Steven nodded. Connie smiled as she looked to the little tablet looking thing. "Hey Google, call mom," the screen up and it ringed a few time before Connie's dad was in view.

"Hey," Doug smiled.

"Hey dad, Wheres mom?"

"Right here!" Her mom poked her head into view. "What's up?"

"Steven would like to know more about Stars condition...hes really worried,"

Steven waved to his in laws. Priyanka smiled and nodded. "Oh sure!" She was quick to sit. "Okay so due to her being born early and not necessarily sick, we sent you both home, she was born really young and her body can't do most things itself,"

Steven nodded and hid behind connie more. "Thanks mom, I'll see ya tomorrow,"

"Yup," Priyanka smiled and ended the call.

Connie turned to her husband. "See everything's okay.." She kissed him and moved the baby into his arms. "Its okay to hold her...Mostly skin on skin.."

Steven nodded slowly and held her close. The baby began to whine. It was quiet and soft, not so loud, but loud enough for Steven to hand the baby to her.

Connie laughed and brought the baby to her. "Awww what wrong honey, mommy's here," she sighed when she didn't stop crying. "Come on baby..." She sat down and brought her shirt up, putting the small baby in it and laying her tiny head on her chest and rocking slowly.

Steven sat on the floor next to them and laid his head on Connie's leg listening to the baby cry.

When Connie saw that rocking wasn't working she worked on getting the baby to eat and calm down. She placed a hand on Steven and yawned.

"Why don't you go lay down, she's nursing and it'll take a while..." Steven shook his head and laid his head back down on her leg.

Connie laughed and shook her head. "That's it baby," She looked down at the baby, her eyes slowly shutting as she looked up at her mother "Lets hurry this up so daddy and mommy can sleep,"

It was a while for the baby to fall asleep. Once she did Connie put her in the crib. It took awhile to her hook her back to everything, but once she was Connie had to dragged Steven back into the bed.

"Come you goof, get in bed," Steven nodded as he laid down and held his arms out for her.

Connie laid in them and closed her eyes. Steven still wide awake.

"I'm scared..." He whispered.

"Why?" She looked at him, yawning.

"What if she doesn't make we want me to save her or?"

Connie sighed softly. "We aren't going to lose her...shes just small,"

"But what if-" he cried.

Connie sat up and looked down at him. "We aren't. She's just really hear me?"

Steven looked up and cried. Connie frowned and wrapped her arms around him as best as she could. He cried into her shoulder and held on to her tighter.

Connie sighed softly and hugged him back. "Its okay...shhh," Sometimes she left as though she had two babys.

That night was spent with Stevens cry ringing out through their room, the quite snores of there daughter could be heard on the cookie cat baby monitor. It was a normal night for Connie, as much as she loved them she knew she needed to get Steven in contact with his therapist again.

I need to stop with the baby/family fluff.

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