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While we were dancing we talked about some things. "So how are things with you and Betty going? Seeing as I don't really see you that often anymore" I asked. "I'm sorry Olivia, it's going okay" he replied. "Okay? Just okay?" I questioned. "Yeah, I mean, she's a little controlling but I still like her. And I know she was mean to you when we were younger but she's changed, she isn't anymore...right?" He said, just as the song ended. "Uh, I guess you should get back to her then." I suggested. "Okay." He said and left.

I went to find Archie, I looked all around the gym, he wasn't there nor Veronica, Betty and Jug. I went into the halls to see if they were there and they were. "Hey what's going on?" I asked. They were all silent. "To think I was going to pass on moving to Toledo with my family for you." Jughead told Betty sadly. "Juggie? What's happening?" I asked. "Your mother told Archie and Veronica to search my fathers trailer." He said angrily. "What? And you agreed?" I asked Archie and Veronica. They nodded their heads silently. "And you knew." I said go Betty. "Of course I didn't you roach" she replied. "Excuse me?" I asked and she didn't reply. "Juggie, do you want to get out of here?" I asked "hell yes" he replied.

"Jughead!" We heard voices yellowing from across the hallway. "It's you father" Kevin said. "What about him?" I asked. "He's been arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom" Mr Andrews added.

I suddenly knew that Jughead was going to run, and he did. I took off my heels and threw them at Betty. "Keep them, they're yours anyway" I yelled and I started running after Jughead. He went all the way to FP's trailer, we went in and we saw how sheriff Keller had trashed the place. He threw a few things, one almost hit me but he didn't realise. I sat down on the floor and cried. "Juggie, it's okay, fortunately your still stuck with me" I flipped my braid. He let out a small laugh. "Come on, let's go somewhere" I said and helped him up. "Okay, I need to go somewhere anyway." he replied.

We stopped at the bus station. "Jug, what are you doing?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder. "I have to get out of here, go to Toledo to see my mom maybe, I don't know!" He replied frustrated. "I'll go with you" I suggested. "No, your home is here"

"So is yours Jughead" I said. "We grew up together here, but if you want to leave then I'm going with you and there is nothing you can to to change my mind!" I added sternly. "Okay." He gave in. We went into the bus station and asked for two tickets to Toledo. Then Jug called his mom, and I called mine.

(Bold-Olivia italics-Alice)


Hey, Olivia are you having fun at the dance?

Not really, you sent Jughead's best friends to search his fathers trailer!

It was for a good reason sweetie

Well, don't even bother, I'm going away for a while with Jughead, to Toledo to see his mom, if she lets us

Honey what?

I. Am. Leaving. Goodbye she-devil


I hung up and went to Jug. "Juggie, what is it?" He was crying. "No one cares about me, no one wants me, not even my own mother." He cried. "I care, Jug. I've cared since day one."I said, but the last sentence wasn't audible. "Thank you, Olivia you do mean a lot, but still it's my mother" he said. "Look, how about we go to Pop's and eat thirty burgers to cheer up? I'll pay" I laughed. "You'll pay? Okay!" He jokes and we left for Pop's.

But, he didn't eat thirty burgers, he didn't even eat one, he had a milkshake and barely drank it. I got up and sat next to him, instead of in front of him.

"You're going to be okay. I don't think your father did it" I said. "Me neither, but I don't know if they'll let me see him to find that out" he replied.

the wrong Cooper ~ Jughead Jones ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now