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On the way home I was thinking "why was Betty not shocked?"

"Betty?" I got her attention. "What?"

"Why were you not shocked when Chuck told everyone about me being a serpent?" I asked. "Oh you poor dumb thing. I told him that you are" she replied bluntly. I should've seen it coming. I just rolled my eyes and pretended like it didn't bother me. What if she told our parents?

We got home and funnily enough she had, my mom called me into the kitchen and screamed at me and so did my father. "How dare you become one of those scumbags!" My mother yelled as Betty sat back and watched. I stayed silent. "Answer your mother Olivia!" My father snapped.

"What do you want me to say dad? That they're more of a family to me then you'll ever be? They actually believe me, listen to me and they actually care! I'm done with this family! I have been ever since Betty decided it was funny to torture me and make my life a living hell! So excuse me for wanting to be happy!" I screamed and stormed off into my room. I slammed the door and paced around.

I clenched my fists so hard that my nails dug into my skin and they bled, that happens a lot, Betty used to do it but then she found no reason to after she decided to hurt me every second of my existence.

I didn't care how much blood I was loosing, how much was dripping on my lovely clean floor, how much it hurt. I felt numb I couldn't feel anything except for the pain in my hands.

I stared at the window as I paced longing to escape through it. "Screw it" I sighed, I climbed out the window and down some really strong vines growing up the wall right next to my window. As soon as I got down I ran, my fists still clenched, u til my house was out of sight, I then briskly walked.

More blood dripping from my hands onto the sidewalk. I didn't know where to go. "The Whyrm? No that's too obvious they'd find me in a heartbeat. Jugs house? Obvious, too obvious. Perfect." I thought "wait, his staying with Archie" I remembered. I sighed and walked back I ran as fast as I could the last part so that my parents couldn't see me through the window.

I knocked three times on the door, leaving a small bit of blood on the door of the Andrews household. Luckily, Mr Andrews didn't answer, Archie opened the door. "Olivia? What's up?" He asked. "Hey Arch, is Juggie here?" I asked. "Yeah, upstairs why?"

"I just need to talk to someone and Jug has known me for years" I began to cry a little. "Hey it's okay, come in"

I thanked him and we went upstairs. "Yo, Jug there's a crying mess here for you" Archie joked which made me giggle as I walked into Archie's room. "Olivia? Are you okay?" He asked, worried. "Yeah I just want to talk" I replied. He went to take my hand but I pulled away "what is it?" He asked. "I'll leave you too alone" Archie said. "Please don't tell Betty I'm here" I asked. "Okay" he replied and left Jughead and I alone. I sighed and opened my hands to show him the blood and the cuts from my nails. "Again? Olivia what's going on?" He questioned. "Betty never stopped being cruel, in fact she's getting worse. She told Chuck that I'm a serpent, that's why she wasn't shocked when he told everyone." I explained. "I thought she'd stopped, she told me that she did" he replied looking at the floor. "Let me look at your hands" he changed the subject with a sigh. I put my hands out for him to take and he examined them, he closed them and kissed them "just like when we were kids" he laughed. "I kiss made everything better" I added with a small smile. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

We went into the kitchen where Archie helped Jughead bandage my hands after I cleaned them. "What are you going to tell you mom?" Archie asked. "She won't notice but if she does I'll say I punched a werewolf in the face" I laughed. "Badass" Jughead replied getting the joke Archie looked back and fourth between us not getting it. (Twilight btw iykyk)

the wrong Cooper ~ Jughead Jones ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now