🪐A/N & 3🪐

802 13 11

A/N if I've mixed up some of the episodes don't come at me 😂 cuz I can't remember exactly. Sorryyyyyy!! I also forgot to do Jug's birthday so here it is x

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Jughead's birthday

"Happy birthday Jug" I greeted Jughead quietly. "Ugh" he replied. "I know you hate them but, like always I got you something" I added. "Is it a noose?" He joked. "No, and that joke is getting old, you say it every year." I replied and gave him a small box. "You don't have to open it now, you can hide it" I whispered.

Jughead hates his birthday, he's told me why before and it's really upsetting. But, it's his decision, he doesn't like party's, people making a fuss nor gifts but I get my way with the gift.

Jughead, Archie and I usually go to the movies, but this year, Archie said that Betty should go with him instead of us. I really wanted to go but I agreed as she is his girlfriend, ugh.

I've always had feelings for Jughead, but I never told him because he's my best friend, and he's dating my sister. Yay me.

I was up in my room drawing in my little doodle book that I keep in my bedside table when I got a phone call from Archie I answered.

(Bold=Olivia Italic=Archie)

Hey Arch what's up?

Betty organised a party for Jug want to come?

You know Juggie hates his birthday, did you tell Betty that?

Yeah, she won't listen. please?

Fine let me get changed I'll be there in fifteen

I hung up the phone and sighed. "This is going to go so wrong" I thought as I picked out a dress and some sneakers:

I did my makeup a little and put my hair in low pigtails and left for Archie's house

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I did my makeup a little and put my hair in low pigtails and left for Archie's house.

When I opened the door I heard everyone yell "surprise!"

"Okay Jug might be stuck to my side like a magnet but I'm offended that you think I look like him" I said, sarcastically.

"Guys, they're actually coming now" Ethel informed us from the window. I just walked to the table and leant on it backwards, I knew that Jug would not like this. He and Betty walked in and everyone but me yelled "surprise!" And Jughead did not look happy. "This is why we missed the second part" Jughead said unamused.

"Happy birthday man" Archie slurred as he hugged Jughead. "Whoah, Arch have you been drinking?" He questioned. "What? No" he slurred again.

"I told them not to throw a party but no, Betty's right, as usual." I told Jughead. "It's okay, at least you're here" he laughed and hugged me. "Where's Betty?" Jughead asked. "Hopefully gone and never to return" I replied.

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