"I'm Just A Friend To You" Pt 2

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Morisuke Yaku X Female Reader
Also, I changed a few things in part one so if you want to find out what it was, you can reread but if you're like me and couldn't be bothered - that's fine!


After spending the night at Hitsuji's house, you spent more time with your fellow manager and slowly forgot about the heartbreak Morisuke had brought to you.

Not a lot of forgetting, but enough to stop your crying every night.

Kuroo and Hitsuji decided to drag you, Kai, Torao and Kenma to a quadruple date, which two of you weren't set on while the other was too flustered to even look up from the ground.

"F/N, come on. It's been a month and a half, Yaku looks so depressed that Tsuji's feeling it. Look, she's gone back to playing her game all the time." Kuroo pouted at you, pointing dramatically at his best friend who sat with her childhood friend on the grass. Kai sat behind her, playing with Hitsuji's shoulder length brown locks.

Without the blanket her best friend had brought for her.

Kuroo's favourite one too - a picture of a black cat and a white sheep were nestled together on the blanket.

Torao was trying to get Kenma's attention. Trying.

You sighed, "I don't want to. He has to apologize first."

"Stupid." Torao muttered, earning a glare from you. "We live with Morisuke, Nee-chan. You can't keep avoiding him forever, and Tsuji-senpai's parents are probably sick of you by now."

Hitsuji chuckled nervously, "I mean, they do have two sons - technically - and a daughter already. Then Kuro and Kenma are almost always over anyway because it's not like they have their own places to be."

"Hey, I love spending time with my best friend, okay?"

"And I can't handle that much idiot on my own." Kenma grumbled, slightly glaring at the brunette.

Kuroo pouted, glaring at his setter. He really didn't like Kenma and Hitsuji calling him stupid do much, but he was used to it.

"Hey, Tsuji-sama, were you thinking of setting me up with Kuroo? Cause, no way." You laughed earning a hiss form the captain. "What are you, a cat?"

Hitsuji sighed, "he might as well be. I feel bad for Chisanahyō."


"His girlfriend. She's the same age as us, just in one of the college prep classes," Kai answered, rest his arms around his girlfriend's waist. "Chisana is the girls' team setter."

You remembered a girl, a little shorter than Hitsuji, that you saw wearing the uniform for the girls' team. "Probably about 4'11"/5 foot with almost white hair just passed her shoulders?"

"Yeah?" Kuroo's face brightened at the mention of his girlfriend's appearance. "And the most prettiest girl to exist? Hell yeah-"

Kai sook his head with a small smile, his girlfriend pouting in his lap. "You've gotta know when to stop talking with Tsuji around, Kuroo."

"Yeah, I know..." The bedhead captain sighed, rubbing his forehead.


Morisuke stood in front of Kenma and Torao, eyes slightly widened when he noticed you beside his captain. "N-no one told me F/N would be here..."

"You wouldn't have come if we did."

"You didn't bring Chisa?!" Kuroo whined like a two year old when his girlfriend was nowhere to be seen. "How cruel!"

Kenma groaned, "shut up, Kuro."

Morisuke, reluctantly, sat on the other side of Kuroo. Mainly because there was nowhere else to sit.

The captain looked at the two of you as he moved himself backwards. "Talk it out."

He sounds like a dad trying to get his kids to apologise.

"Look, F/N, I know that was an asshole move-"

You frowned, and interrupted him. "You blamed me for apparently making your girlfriend cry; it was definitely an asshole move."

"Well, ex-girlfriend." Morisuke awkwardly shrugged, "she broke it off."

Now you felt like the asshole. I'm probably the reason she broke up with him.

"B-but there's no need to worry about who's fault it is!" The light brunet continued. "And I'm sorry for accusing you like that. It was wrong of me not only as a person, but as your best friend. Well, maybe ex best friend now."

"What can I do to make it up to you?"


You turned to Morisuke quickly, slapping Kuroo in the face in the process. Literally thinking about other things, you ignored his "ow" and grabbed Morisuke wrist. "You don't need to make it up to me! It was my jealously that got in the way, I should make it up to you!"

"There's just as guilty as each other," Hitsuji muttered to Kai, Kenma and Torao. "Just kiss and make up so we can go to the cat cafe. I'm hungry and wanting to pat some cats."

Kai stood up, holding his hand out to the brunette love of his life. "Let's go then, we should give them some privacy anyway."

"Kuro, come on."


Neither of you had stopped catching up to realise the sun was going down and before you knew it, you and Morisuke were walking home in the dark.

At least one of you brought your phone. Morisuke had called his mother to tell her you two would be a little late to dinner, as you carried Kuroo's cat-sheep blanket over your shoulders.

"So, you're not mad at me anymore..?"

You thought about it for a second, "not as much, no. You still have to do my chores for a two months."

"We agreed a month."

"A month and a half."

Morisuke laughed, reaching for your hand and linking your fingers together. "Alright, a month and a half."

"M-Morisuke. You just broke up with G/N-"

"That was two months ago, F/N." Morisuke chuckled, one of his hands rested on your cheek as you two stood in the middle of the dark footpath, the nearest lamp a metre away. "That gave me enough time to notice that you had feelings for me."

"I thought I was more obvious."

The brunet glared at you, as his face got closer to you. "Sarcasm?... I'm too in love with you to care." His lips locked with yours, and you stood there stunned.


We've been friends for years and I never noticed how good of a kisser Mori is?!

"I love you," Morisuke murmured, his now light pink lips a few centimetres from yours.


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