"Cute Boy" Pt 1

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Yaku Morisuke X Kuroo's Younger Brother Reader X Kozume Kenma
Scenario: You go to one of your brother's games and Yaku develops a crush on you, but can't seem to ever talk to you, so the team tries to help him out. Key word - tries.

Word Count: 1061 words

As you walked along the front of the stands to watch your older brother's game, you were greeted with kind smiles from two pretty ladies. One seemed to be a little older than Tetsurō, your brother, and the other seemed to be a little younger than you.

"Hi! I'm Yamamoto Akane!" The younger girl grinned, holding a hand out to you. "This is Haiba Alisa!"

"Nice to meet you girls, I'm Kuroo F/N."

"Little bro!" You heard your brother call you from the court, the tall Third Year waving his arms at you. You, Alisa and Akane laughed when his manager, Nanase Raion (my Nekoma OC), slapped him in the back of his head and told him to focus on practicing before the practice match against Karasuno.

You, Tetsurō and Kenma grew up with Raion living across the road, so you were pretty sure that she'd end up as your sister-in-law eventually.

The Libero known as Yaku Morisuke stared up at you while the Haiba siblings waved to each other. "Who's the cute boy...?"

"Kuro's younger brother, F/N." Kenma answered nonchalantly.

"Yaku, your gay is showing." Raion chuckled, walking past the Libero to the 6'4" giant. "Come on, Lev, time to practice. You can talk to Alisa afterwards."


The brunet turned around with a blush on his cheeks, his manager glaring at him. "Yeah?"

"Practice, man!" Raion hit his chest before walking off to talk to Karasuno's managers. "Kiyoko, Hitoka!"

Akane giggled from beside Alisa, "Yaku's got a crush on you, F/N-san."

"Hey, do you think Nanase-chan has a crush on Lev?" Alisa asked, watching the smile on the Nekoma manager's face as she talked to Alisa's brother.

You and Akane shrugged, earning a sigh from the older girl.


As Akane was explaining the game to Alisa, you couldn't help but stare at the brunet Libero on court. He was so agile and quick, like the rest of his teammates.

Yaku received the ball, sending it to Kenma who set it up for Lev to spike.

"Great job, boys!" Raion cheered, clapping for her team. "Nice spike, Lev!" She clasped her hands together, resting her chin on her hands.

Alisa gasped softly, assuming the Third Year girl was admiring her brother. "If Lev and Nanase-chan get married... she'd be my little sister..."


"I have to figure out an excuse for her to come over!" The nineteen year old was too consumed in thinking of ways to invite the manager to the Haiba household, until Lev missed and Raion's grin disappeared.


Alisa whimpered, leaning against the railing sadly. "Aww."

"F/N-san is probably the only one who has even a remote chance of being related to Rai-senpai." Akane sighed. "Taketora annoys her too much for Rai-senpai to even imagine marrying him. Didn't you and your brother grow up with her?"

You nodded, "yeah, with Kenma. She lives across the road and we met her when her parents came to welcome us. To think she was quiet and shy back then."

"You wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at her now." Akane murmured, the three of you watching the Third Year scold your brother for irritating Tsukishima Kei. "Rai-senpai is scary."

"She is now, but Nee-chan is really a big kitten most of the time."

"Are your brother and Nanase-chan already married?!" Alisa exclaimed, causing the captain and manager to blush as fast as wildfire. "I knew Lev had no chance!"

You laughed, shaking your head. "No, but Kenma and I call her Nee-chan anyway. Well, Kenma calls her Nee-san."

"Sis!" Lev shouted at Alisa, his blush luminescent on his cheeks.

It wasn't a lie that most of Nekoma and a few people from other schools had a crush on Raion. She was Nekoma's version of Kiyoko. So Lev having a crush on his manager wasn't big news to you at all.

"Really the only ones I'd marry here are Kenma or Shibayama," Raion sighed loudly. "They're the only ones that LISTEN!"

Coach Naoi stepped forward, passing the manager a strawberry milk to calm her down. It managed to work, and the Nekoma manager sat down on the bench.

Raion only ever used to lose her cool once a year, for a few seconds, but since she had become the manager, losing her cool was kinda what she was known for among the boys and their coaches.

"You both should come over to my house after this game!" You turned to your new friends. "You can bring your brothers as well, if you like. Kenma's probably going to have Karasuno's 10 over since the hotel is close to our neighbourhood. I don't want to third wheel Tetsurō and Raion again."

{(╥﹏╥) I know how that feels}

Alisa and Akane agreed happily, both pulling out their phones to ask their parents. You knew for a fact that your brother and Raion would end up cuddling on the couch, because they always did. Raion did the same with Kenma too, as well as you.

Considering you are her gay best friend and all. You two usually talked about cute boys since that was what you had most in common. She liked to cook, you didn't. Her parents trusted her and her brother in kitchen, your dad and grandparents didn't.

Last time they did, you and Tetsurō somehow managed to burn two minute noodles. Neither of you knew how, you just did.

So whenever your dad was at work and/or your grandparents were out, they would ask Raion supervise. Sometimes Kenma too, just so the Second Year could get out of the house.

This usually resulted in you playing Animal Crossing with Kenma, while your brother and his crush practiced volleyball.

Honestly, if anything, you were the reason Kenma played with your brother. Kenma had a slight crush on you ever since you were kids, but he would never admit that. Especially to your brother; Tetsurō wouldn't let him live it down.

"We'll probably need more supervision..."

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