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They laid there, with a smile on their faces for the previous laughter. The grass was a little cold and wet due to the light fog of the night. The music was slowly fading into another song as they were there just enjoying silence

"I've always loved watching the stars" said Emily catching a breath

"You do?" he asked perplexed

"Yeah" she answered relaxing

"Didn't take you for a romantic kind of person Byrne" he chuckled

" 'S not romantic! It's relaxing" she got herself into a sitting position

"Yeah, whatever" Cal smiled

"What? Why are you laughing? I just like watching the stars, is that a big deal?" she arched her eyebrow trying to sound angry

"Not a big deal at all you know, I like it too. I used to look at them a lot when I was on call" he answered

She tilted her had, listening to him, she'd like to know more about him

"Obviously I had different company. Don't get me wrong, my teammates were great but you know, I just prefer watching the stars with a wonderful woman" he said

She felt heat rise her cheeks, she blamed the beers they had just shared because there was no way she was blushing for such a simple compliment, what was she? 15? Thank God he was looking at the sky and not at her

"Cat got your tongue?" he asked turning his head to look at her

"I- no, just... you know, thinking" she sat down next to him, who raised form his laid position to sit next to her

"About?" the question left his mouth without even thinking

She lowered her head touching her knees with her forehead

"I'm sorry I didn't want to push you, you don't have to tell me" he apologized

"No it's ok. I'm just tryna process everything that happened in those day. This case is exhausting, Nick coming back and asking for a second chance and you know... Tommy" she explained

She felt a comforting hand on her shoulder

"I'm sorry about Tommy, was it serious between you two?" he asked

"How do you even know we were together?" she looked at him

"Just the way you talk about him and act every time someone mention his name" he run his thumb on her shoulder

"No, it wasn't serious. I kinda think it was for him but you know, I don't know if I will ever be able to have a serious relationship with someone anymore" she breathed out returning her forehead on her knees

"You said Nick wanted a second chance" he tried to confort her the best, trying to let her understand that there might be some good parts in all of this

"Nick and I are done. I loved him, of course I did. But he made his decision once I was back and now just cause Alice cheated on him he wants me back. We said goodbye time ago, just some days after I came back from my kidnapping. I don't wanna be a second choice Cal, I'm not even sure someone will still want me... Tom did, he was the only one... but he wasn't what I wanted.... I'm a mess" she felt tears on her eyes sliding down her face

"Byrne" he called her, slowly shaking her shoulder, she didn't answer

"Emily look at me please" he said softly

She raised her head looking at him, he had already seen her cry before, no point on hiding from him

"Look, I know it's hard, I know you feel bad now, I can understand it. But like I said before you're an amazing woman, an incredible mum and a fantastic agent" he begun, making her smile bitterly

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