Ch. 10

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Nobody can prepare you for life, and your life can feel like it's falling apart. But one day you might find yourself sucked in by the light of someone new. Someone that makes the pain lessen, not go away but lessen, and it will fill imposssible until it happens. It might be months after you meet them or weeks or maybe years or it might even be immediate. I walk into the shop to take care of the bill for my car, and see a lady with dark brown hair, tight jeans and a black shirt on. "Can I help you?" she asks as she looks up from the paper she's looking at."I'm Samantha Thompson. My car was brought in the other day." She looks through the files in a drawer and pulls out one without grabbing my keys off the wall."Hey, Halfsack. Go get the Suburu out of the garage," she says handing a young guy my keys before he jogs off. Then she turns her attention to me," It'll be seven hundred dollars," She hands me the bill, but I glance over it before I pull out my debit card to hand to her. She types on the computer and swipes my card handing it back to me."Thank you," I smile as I watch Halfsack pull my car in front of the shop. I walk over and get in the car after he walks out. I put it into gear as I see Happy from the bar run over to my car. So I roll down my window,"Just coming to pick up my piece of junk.""I just wanted to tell you if you need anymore help, you can always stop by."I rub my arm, "I might, but I don't typically ask for help.""Yeah, I had that feeling," he smiles, and there's a slight silence before I drive away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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