Too Close For Comfort

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I had wormed my way into the back seat of Shane Dawson's Audi truck. His hands were under my dress, pulling at my thong and I was on top of him, sticking my tongue down his throat. Aside from the fact that I was going to kill him in about an hour, I was enjoying kissing him. He was really great at it.

"You are dangerous," he smiled, nibbling at my lip.

"Oh, if you only knew," I thought, shoving my hand into his pants. He jumped as my hand closed around him, but he smiled.

"Slow down there, tiger," he sat up, and I fell to the side, sighing heavily. I was a little heavy on the sex. I couldn't remember the last time I'd actually had sex, good sex that is. And Shane seemed like a god kn the bedroom.

Shane just had sex appeal, and he was BIG.

He knocked on the partition, and it glided down instantly. "Á la jetée," he commanded in French. I melted a little.

"Head on, Drea." I told my self. "Fuentes wants him and his brother dead, stick to the plan," I thought.

I sized up Shane. If I got back on top of him, I could probably strangle him here in the limo. Then, when we were at the pier, I could jump out and shoot Christian.

But what if he had people with him? What if he came to the car instead of waiting outside?

Well maybe I could pop him there, ya know? Wait until him and Christian were together and clip them both at once.

How would I get away though? Do I pop the driver too?

As I was coming up with a plan to kill Shane, he was smiling at me hungrily, his lips moving around words I wasnt focusing on. I tried to tune back in.

"I have to take care of a little business, I'm gonna get dropped off at a meeting, I want you to wait for me at my hotel. Gordon will take you there." I assumed Gordon was the driver, and nodded, still giving come hither eyes.

"Dammit,"  I thought. Dropped off??

I didn't have time to be upset, or to even come up with a plan, because suddenly the car stopped.

It was now or never.

I grabbed the purse Dorian suggested I wear as Shane kissed me goodbye. My hand was already wrapped around around my .380.

As the door closed behind Shane, I quickly tightened the silencer around my gun.

Don't wanna spook the driver, just act cool, I thought.

"Just hold on one second, I'm looking for that key he just gave me," I said into the speaker. The car didn't move.

I looked out of the window, assessing the scene. Surprisingly, I only saw Shane, Christian, and two body guards. I felt an evil smile creep onto my face.

I knocked on the partition, and it slid down in what seemed like slow motion. My gun let off a shot into the driver's head, and the blood spattered on the window on the other side. The windows were tinted so dark, nobody could see, and I exited the car from the other side, quietly. The darkness of the night gave me the protection I needed.

From the backside of the car, I set my sights on the body guards. They were leaning against the back of Christian's Hummer, both on their phones.

Pop. Pop.

They both hit the ground with a loud thud, and Shane and Christian both turned around to see what had happened.

"Don't even move a hair on your fucking head." I commanded calmly. They both whipped around, eyes settling on me as I sauntered over to them, my gun pointed at Shane. His expression was lacking, and he raised his hands in the air lazily.

"And just who the fuck do you think you are?" Christian said in his Aussie accent. I cracked him on the temple with the gun, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Do you know who you're messing with, Tori?" Shane tried to stay level, but he was obviously spooked. His eyes kept going to Christian and back to me, and his eyebrow was wrinkled with worry.

I laughed. "I know all about you. But you should watch who you pick up in line at the club, this one might cost you your life," I cocked the gun, smiling as the barrel settled in the middle of his eyebrows. Sweat had formed on his head, and he closed his eyes, mumbling a prayer silently. They all did that, even the non religious ones.

"And my name isnt Tori," I went to pull the trigger, and at the same time Shane looked me in my eyes. He looked fearless.

Visibly, I faltered, those pools of milk chocolate starring into my soul. He took the opportunity.

He was quick in getting the gun out of my hands, but I was just as quick. Before the gun clattered to the ground, my red bottom hell had met his jaw, and he fell to the ground, blood dripping from him. I had cut his chin. I lunged for the gun as he dazedly tried to swat it from me again. When I got my hand around it, I fired a shot past his head into the trunk of the car.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I thundered.

I aimed the gun at him again, this time resting my heel on his palm. He looked up at me, his head unstable on his shoulders.

"Who are you?" He asked, hoarse. I pressed down on his hand, and he screamed in agony.

"They call me La Phantasma." I winked at him.

"Now put your brother in the car."

He stood up, wobbling on his feet. Slowly, he was able to get Christian in the back of the limo, and then turned back to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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