More Than A Woman

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As the sun rose on a warm day in Harlem, I breathed in the smell of fresh blood. A man, by the name of Julius Waldrof, screamed, in vain, as I calmly plucked out his index finger nail. I remembered my first time doing this, I had gagged and turned away. Now, I stared deeply into his eyes as I watched the pain and fear overtake him. He called on the god of his religion, but there was no one around for miles to hear. I smiled at him.

"Tell me what I want to know, and this can all be over, Julius." I said calmly, gently placing his fingernail on the table next to the others. I sat my pair of pliers down and removed my gloves, adjusting the safety glasses on my face. I turned away from him, as he continued to scream in agony. I gazed into the mirror at myself, still smiling.

I was 5'4, with luscious green eyes and shimmering brown hair. My skin was fair and clear, almost glowing, and I had a small birthmark next to my nose. My lips were plump and pink, and when they curled upwards, they revealed straight white teeth that formed a deadly grin. Maybe this is why it was always so easy to lure men like Julius away with a flirtatious promise of fellatio.

I twirled a piece of my silky brown hair around my finger and turned back to my mark. He had tears streaming down his face, and his lips begged me to kill him. I loved it when they said that.

"I can't kill you just yet, you haven't told me who gave you those orders to kill my associate." I leaned close to his face. "Tell me, what I want to know Julius, and I will end it all right now." I was dying to expedite the ending, but this information was important. I backed away from him slowly, walking in a slow circle around his chair.

"Somebody from your crew, shot at my friend, Seth's car. He could have died, ya know?" I said, shaking my head in feigned disappointment. Julius kept screaming.

"Listen Julius," The words cut like a razor as I leaned in close again, this time my lips inches from his ear. "Its fine if you don't want to tell me, I'm gonna find out with or without you."I said. "But if you tell me, I might make your death swift. Otherwise, I have about 38 hours to make sure you remember me in hell." I whispered into his ear sinisterly. He just kept crying and crying, calling for someone, anyone to help him.

"Alright, ENOUGH!" I shouted. At the same time I fired a bullet into his right foot. This broke him, and I watched tears pour down his face from the agony. He became hoarse from the screaming.

"OKAY!" He screamed, after he could manage to speak through the pain. "Okay, miss, I'm sorry, I'll tell you who gave the order." I smiled and patted him on his head, leaning in close to hear.

"Speak then, Julius."

"His name is Christian Dawson, him and his brother run a club in downtown Queens, called Nativity." He was sweating from all the pain he was in, and his breathing became labored. They called that the death rattle. When a man was close to death, their breathing would begin to rattle their body. I didn't have long.

"Why did he want to kill Grenovich?" I asked, holding his head up with my hands.

"I don't know!" He exclaimed, and I slapped his face, hard. "YOU DO KNOW. JULIUS!"

"Green was getting a big shipment in thru the docks. Christian knew about it, he thought he would kill him and pretend to be him to the connect. Him and his brother were gonna make a move on the docks tonight, that's all I know I swear!" He began to cry again, begging for his life. I believed him, he didn't know anything else.

"What kind of car does Christian Dawson drive?" I asked him. His eyes were getting heavy, he was dying. Sweat beads were mixing with the tears running down his face, and he began to gasping for air.

"A yellow BMW with illegal tint, you cant miss it..." he trailed off and slowly let out his last breath. Julius was dead.

I let his head drop, rolling my eyes in disgust. I removed the safety glasses and leaned on the workbenches, shaking my head. The Dawson brothers.

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