Chapter 4: Are You Pregnant?

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Hey, hope ya'll liked Chapter 3 i tried to make it longer, well i hope you like this one too it should be good (please comment)

(Picture of Monique/Zaria's sister)


(Zaria's P.O.V.) well Jacob came over late last night i didnt tell him im pregnant yet because i'm not sure if i really am or if it's just a false alarm but i need to make sure and quick the only person that knows right now is Monique i'm not telling anyone else untill i make sure it's for sure "hey baby i have to go to the doctor's today i made an appointment yesterday." i said "why whats wrong, do you want me to come with." Jacob said "NO-i mean no im going with Monique and dont worry it's just a check up babe thats all." i said "Oh okay well let me know how it goes okay." Jacob said "alright well she's outside so i better go. Mwah!" i said as i gave Jacob a kiss goodbye and walked out the door.

Me and Monique waited in the waiting room untill the doctor called my name "Zaria Johnson." the nurse called, we both got up and walked to the back. The doctor had me pee in a cup i came back to the room and waited for the results. "so what if you are pregnant what are you going to do keep it, have an abortion or give it up for adoption?" Monique said "well i was thinking about keeping it because i don't want an abortion and i know once i see the baby im going to want to keep it so adoption is out of the question, but what do you think i should do." i said "i think you should keep it. It is going to be such a cute baby, I can already picture him or her, you and Jacob are really attractive so I don't know but what ever you want to do is cool with me." Monique said "Well I guess I'm going to keep it, but I have to tell Jacob to see how he feels about it" I said as someone knocked on the door

"Come in" I said "Well its official you are pregnant" the doctor said with a smile. Monique looked at me smiling "Well that's great now you can tell Jacob" Monique said "I guess so" I said with a unsure smile. As me and Monique walk out of the hospital we heard a voice calling our names, we turned around to see who it was. "Who is that?" Monique said.


(Kellie's P.O.V.) "Hey Monique, Zaria" I said as i walked to them "Oh hey Tori, how are you?" Monique said "Hey Tori" Zaria said "Hey you guys I haven't seen y'all in a while how has it been?" I said "Good were have you been?" Zaria said "Well my sister just came to town and I have been hanging out with her" I said " oh really awesome well is she staying with you?" Zaria said "No she's in a hotel she came out here from Chicago maybe you can bring over to my apartment sometimes and I could get to meet her." I said "Yea that sounds cool, well we have to go ill see ya latter." Zaria said "Okay bye." I said "bye" Monique and Zaria said as they walked away.


(Zaria's P.O.V.) "Hey baby" I said as I walked in the door of my apartment "Hey honey how did everything go at the doctors?" Jacob said "Well it went good expect..." I said with a sad look on my face "What's wrong babe what happened?" Jacob said "Well you know regular check up he ask me things and told me I was pregnant and ya know me and.." I said before Jacob interrupted me "Wait did you say you were pregnant?" Jacob said "Ugh yea." I said "Oh my God this this this is amazing." Jacob said with a smile "So your okay with this?" I said "Yes of course why wouldn't I be." Jacob said "Well I just thought.... mm never mind." I said "Wait what were you getting ready to." Jacob said before I had interrupted him "Its nothing I'm just glad I finally told you." I said with a weak smile "Well I gotta go to work when I get back we can go out to eat and celebrate." Jacob said "That sounds good to me." I said as I kissed him goodbye.

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