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a/n: cause it's valentine's 😗

— do subscribe to my bmac page if you wanna read the rest of this story. promise you won't regret it 😬✋🏻 (link is on my bio and if i'm not mistaken it's on the info chapter as well)




Coffee. I need coffee.

That is the only clear thing in my mind as I open my eyes. I am still at the old mansion (or The Lost House, as I always refer to it as) I fell asleep there. I hear a groan not far away, right, the idiot is here as well. He didn't shut up for a second the previous night and it took everything in me to remain calm and ignore him. I had to remind myself occasionally about his 'situation' to not snap at him as well. Somehow, we must have both fallen asleep.

"Good morning," he yawns.

I merely grunt in reply as I stand up and go to the kitchen where I'd stored away some supplies in the kitchen. The supplies include toothbrushes and toothpaste. I take one out for myself and one for the dumbo.

"Are you like preparing for an alien invasion or something?" he stands by the wall, arms crossed as he peeks into the cabinet.

I slam shut the cabinet in reply and slide the toothbrush towards him. This house is still supplied with water, so one less problem. I start brushing my teeth.

"I mean this house is in the middle of nowhere. And it looks haunted, so it's very unlikely someone would approach it. And then you have like stuff stored in here. Do you know something no one else does? Are we going to get terrorised by aliens?"

His incessant yapping only makes me want to rip out my hair. I am still half asleep and very much groggy, and so I easily find everything to be irritating; not that Zacharrine needed any help in annoying the fuck out of me. I spit out the foam into the kitchen sink, and rinse my mouth with water.

I. Need. Coffee.

Unfortunately, I don't have any coffee stored in the house. Even if I do, then I would need a coffee maker, or a kettle at least. And I'd need electricity, which is the only negative thing about this place.

"It's cool though, how prepared you are. You could escape so easily," he is talking while brushing, fucking hell. "Would you bring anyone with you? You would, right? You can't just possibly escape by yourself. Maybe yo–,"

I just walk away. My brain can't take any more of his blabbermouth. "Wait, where are you going?"

He is like a goddamn fly, buzzing endlessly around your ears, no matter how many times you chase it away, it just comes back.

I silently mount my bicycle and start riding. I get maybe two minutes of peace and quiet before he catches up.

"Whoa, where are you going?"

It's too early for me to be this grumpy. It's too early for me to want to smash his head in. Coffee. I just need coffee.

"Are we going to another haunted house?"


"Coffee shop!" he exclaims.

How can a person be so annoyingly cheery and prating non-stop so early in the morning is beyond me. I can never understand that in a million years.

"You know, you could've just told me that,"

I continue to ignore him although it has been proven to be useless and walk in the shop. Thankfully there is no line, so I walk up straight to the counter and ring the bell, since there is no attendant present.

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