Day 2

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The next morning I woke up excited and I got ready. I put on some black basketball shorts and a red tank top, my white sports bra showing on the sides. I made sure I had a healthy breakfast and an energizing lunch packed, doing as much as I can to make try outs go better for me. When I got to school I saw Quinn waiting at my locker and I groaned in annoyance. Cant she just leave me alone? I went to my locker anyway, needing some books I didn't put in my bag for class. As soon as I began to put in my locker combo she spoke.

" Listen, I saw what you did yesterday and you will be a laughing stock if you continue." I rose an eyebrow at her. Is she talking about me joining the boys basketball team? Or did I do something wrong...

" I have no idea what you are talking about, but please, do continue telling me how I'm going to die in high-school." I said sarcastically, as I glared over to her. I'm not exactly in the best mood when I've only been here two days and I'm constantly being pestered by others about popularity and reputation.

" Yesterday at lunch, glee club. If you're seen with them your life is over. High school has a hierarchy and the glee club are the peasants." I chuckled slightly, then it turned into a soft laugh, but I couldn't hold in so I started to laugh like a maniac. Clutching the books I got out so they wouldn't fall.

" You, you really think I'm joining glee? I don't have time for that! I have basketball to play! I just told them that if they ever needed back up to come to me. I don't think I'll over really join glee. Sure the kids there are great, but I had enough ridicule in middle school, thank you." I looked at her with a smile and locked my locker.

" Now if you will excuse me I have a class to get to. " I pushed passed her and made my way into the classroom. Wishing that I could just skip to the end of the day I zoned out and the teacher droned on. After many long hours it became lunch and I found my way to Kurt. He was sitting next to Mercedes, goth girl, and wheelchair boy. I sat next to Kurt's left with wheelchair boy to my left.

" Greetings fellow humans." I said to the table. " I come in peace." They laughed at that and I smiled along with them.

" So Bridget, try outs are today huh?" Kurt asks me and I nod my head enthusiastically. 

" I'm so going to be on the team. I'll convince them with my famous half court shot!" I spoke with a fire in my eyes. Wheelchair boy looked at me oddly.

" Is that even possible?" I look at him with a hand to my chest in a mock hurt motion.

" Are you doubting mwah? Shame on you wheelies." I took my drama classes, and I passed.

" Wheelies?" The boy asked.

" Well I don't exactly know yours or goth girls names now do I." I gave him a look knowing I was right.

" I'm Artie, and that's Tina." I shook both their hands and Tina let out a stuttered hello. The rest of lunch we were joking and laughing with each other. Who knew the glee kids were like, the perfect friends?


I was in the gym shooting some shots around the key to warm up, having already stretched and ran. I got here about fifteen minutes early and no one was here yet. I heard chatter in the distance and knew that I jinxed it. I sighed and turned around with my lucky ball on my hip, my arm laying on top to hold it in place. Most of the guys trying out were on the football team, and a few looked like boxers. They were loud and rowdy, laughing and messing with each other, until they saw me. It was quiet for a while until the one snickers, setting of a chain reaction. The only one not laughing was Fin and he waved at me, of course I waved back. But then I glared at the rest of the boys.

" What? What could possibly be so funny that almost every single one of you are cracking up like it's the end of the world, hmm? Is it because I'm a girl? Because I swear on my life I can beat each and every one of you in my sleep. " I was looking at my finger nails and I met them half court.

" Oh yeah? Why don't you prove it little Missy? Or are you just all bark and no bite." The guys laughed at this and my brow twitched as I started to become a bit pissed. So I lined up the shot at half court and turned back to the guys already knowing it's going in. When I heard a swoosh sound and saw everybody's faces, I had proof I was right. 

" Three games, first to six, one on one. I want to play last years captain." I spoke smugly as I left to retrieve my ball. When I turned around I saw Puck looking down at me.

" You should rethink your actions before I crush you." I smirked because now I get to crush a guy that tried to get me to have sex with him yesterday, this is going to be fun.

" You know, puck? I'm kind of glad I'm playing you. I was originally going to go easy on whoever played my and let the games be close. But now that I know the captains is you, I can have the satisfaction of squashing you like a bug and not feel the least bit guilty about it." As I began to dribble, it being my ball first.

" Such big words from someone like you, but do you have the actions to back it up?" Puck was pressure guarding me, knowing I could shoot where I was so I made the obvious choice to go around him. I pushed the ball to my right side to get him to put his weight there and I change directions, pushing the ball through Pucks leg, escaping by using pushing through the left side and meeting the ball behind him. I dribbled quickly forward before he could recover to get some distance and slammed the ball in the hoop by dunking it. I slowly grabbed the ball, pushing it to Pucks chest.

" I don't know, you tell me?" The games went on and the most puck ever made was two baskets in all three games. When I one the last one everyone cheered and lifted me up going on about how I was going to be their new captain, sorry puck. The mini party was cut of short when coach Ken, also the PE teacher, walked in.

" What in the world is going on here, shouldn't you boys be practicing?!" He then turned his focus to me. "And you shouldn't be here, if you want to watch your boyfriend play or whatever then wait for actual practice to start." I was on the ground by now, and the other guys were warming up.

" Actually I'm here for tryouts." He scoffed at this and ran his hand through his hair.

" You're a girl."

" So?!" I glared at him, how dare he not let my tryout because of my gender.

" So this is a boys team, besides, even if I did let a girl like you join, the guys out there will crush you! " Ken yelled back at her. At this point she was way beyond pissed, no one speaks to her like that, no one should speak to any girl like that.

" Listen here, I need a scholarship to go to collage, and the only way to do that is basketball. So you can either, 1. let me join and carry the team to nationals, or 2. not let me tryout, loose, and prevent a student to go to collage." I said quietly and got up in his face, giving a sickly sweet smile at the end.

" Well then you better start saving up because there is noway I'm letting a girl play on my team."

He left to the benches and started yelling at the boys to line up. I sneered and snatched up my duffel, stuffing my basketball in it and exited the school.

Bridget Holiday (Glee)Where stories live. Discover now