Chapter 8 : Not now...

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Chara's POV

So we are walking along with (Y/n). Honestly I just want to head home, grab some chocolate and jump into the sofa to watch TV. Well that used to be my normal life until Frisk dragged me to school. Right now, a part of me want to get home immediately, while another part....just want to walk and talk with (Y/n)... But why though ??? Normally I would refuse any contact with the human with the exception of Frisk, and now I can't stop staring at one boy ?? No this is not the normal me.

"You work and live alone ?? Where are your parents (Y/n) ???" Frisk asked (Y/n)

Suddenly, (Y/n)'s expression changed. His normal friendly smile faded, replaced by a frown

"Sorry... But I would prefer not to talk about that..." He answered with a voice filled with sadness. Look like it is something he is trying to forget... Something really bad must have happened to him and his parents...

Realising the situation, Frisk quickly apologies him."Oh. Sorry (Y/n)... I didn't know..."

"Nah don't worry about that. It's just...not a very pleasant memory..." (Y/n) said slowly and smiled, but I can tell it was a fake smile, he just doesn't want anybody to worry for him...

Now I feel sad for him. Up until this moment, I barely know anything about him, in fact, the only thing I know about him is that he is a lazy smartass. I have no idea what he's been through, the poor guy even has bags below his eyes...

...I feel bad for him...

Then, (Y/n) turned back

"Hey lighten up !! I know ya didn't mean to do it!!! Don't feel sad and ruin the mood !!!" His voice still has sadness it, but somehow became a little cheerful than before

"Ok, but really...I'm sorry..." Frisk still felt really guilty after accidentally bring up such a touchy subject.

"Well I don't mind it. How about you two ??? I mean your family ?" He asked back

Well, I have to do something then...

"Me and Frisk are orphans. But now we're adopted by a monster family !!!"
I said in hope that it will somehow cheer him up

(Y/n) turned back to me and look at me in surprise.

"Wait, you are living with the monsters???? " He asked, raising his eyebrow

"Yeah. Any problems ???"

I'm not surprised about his reaction at all. In fact, right now human living together with monster is still a very controversial problem. Not to mention that there's a lot of people who are not appreciate the monsters's existance. I still hope he's not one of them

"Hmm... Seem like you get along very well with the monsters then." He said calmly

"What do you mean ??? You think we can't because we are humans and they are monster ???" I said,feeling a little bit angry

"No, that's not what I mean. Well... Ya see even it's been a few months but the humanity are still learning to get used to the monsters's appearance. I thought it'll take lots of time but I didn't expect that someone has already be friends with them as soon as they are on the surface."

"Nah not really, I have known them since we were in the underground." Frisk playfully said

Suddenly (Y/n) stopped walking and turned back. "You WHAT ???"

Frisk just chuckled."Haven't you read the news ??? I am the one who freed the monster kind !!! Ha I bet you didn't see that coming !!!"

(Y/n) looked at us with his eyes widen, probably still can't believe what he just heard

"Wow...I didn't think...I didn't expect that you two are the saviors of a whole race... This is so shocking..."

"Oh no need to be so surprised !! After all, I'm still very young so of course no-one believe that at first."

"Well... This is still quite unbelievable. I swear life is full of surprises. Maybe in the future I'll meet a fish walking on the surface or a talking skeleton in a hoodie ??? Who know =))" He smiled and turned back. But oh boy the two he just mentioned... Is it a coincidence ???

"But...that's also my friends..." Frisk said and then laughed a little

"...I have lost the ability to surprise..." (Y/n) is now dead inside a bit. He just chuckled and then turned back and continued walking. Look like he has finally forgot what happened earlier which is really good.

About me, somehow I feel really uncomfortable when I see (Y/n) and Frisk talking together, I want to talk to him more but... I'm not a smooth talker like Frisk, and everytime (Y/n) tried to talk to me or I talk to him, I may responded in a rude way which may make him hate me even more....

Frisk noticed my expression. They walked slower to wait for me to catch up. Then they whispered to me

"What's wrong Chara ??? You look so disappointed. Are you jealous because (Y/n) doesn't pay attention to you??? Hehe first time I have seen that !!!"

"What ??? No why should I feel like that for him??? I'm just feeling a bit tired that's all !!! You can talk to him all you want I don't care !!!!". I spoke in a very loud tone, almost yelled which made (Y/n) turned back worrying

"Hey what's happe-"


(Y/n) quickly nodded his head in fear and then turn back and walk faster

"Oh god did I offended him ??? No why did I do that ??? I shouldn't have done that !!! Wait WHY SHOULD I EVEN CARE ???" I thought to myself in a few seconds

Frisk just facepalmed. "Now listen here Chara. If you want to get his attention, you must be friendlier or else you will scare him away just before he can even get close to you, do you understand ??" then they leave, leaving me behind in confusion.

Seriously, why should I do that ??? Why did I even care about it in the first place ??

Nobody POV

After awhile, you reached a crossroad. While you go straight ahead, Chara and Frisk turned right.

You chuckled but feel a bit dissapointed."I guess it's goodbye then. See ya !!"

"Well too bad we can't talk longer. Bye then (Y/n) !!! If you are free then, feel free to drop by and visit us !!!" Frisk said as they cheerfully waved their hand.

"See you later, even though tomorrow we'll meet again anyway." Chara said while feeling tired and also a bit sad

You smiled and then head back to your home. After another 5 minutes, you arrived at your destination. You unlocked the door and get in.

It is a small cozy room. It has one kitchen, one bathroom and one bedroom. Why did I call it a room ??? Well you are living in a hall of residence. The room is big enough to contain a fridge, a bed and a small sofa. You randomly chose a game on your phone and play but after about twenty minutes, you get bored ( because you died too many times, lol get rekt n00bs ) so you stopped and go to the fridge to get something. Unfortunately, the fridge is FUKING EMPTY !!!!

"Well then... I just got home 30 minutes ago and now I have to go out again ??? Nope, one afternoon with an empty stomach won't hurt." Then you set the alarm clock at 6pm and jump into the sofa to get some sleep, preparing for tonight's shift...

UD : 25/5/2020
LE : 18/8/2020

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