Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One


We arrived back at Bowie's house, and neither of us expected her parents to be back already. As we took off our coats, Marilyn walked toward us with a tired smile on her face.

"You're back already?" she asked, hugging Bowie and then me. "Happy New Year," she added, then looked at us again.

"We wanted to come back home," Bowie said.

"Was the party disappointing?" Darryl asked, coming down the hallway. He pulled Bowie into a hug, and she leaned into him, closing her eyes.

"The party was fun. Bow and I had...a small conflict. I wanted to be alone with her," I explained, and sure enough, both Marilyn and Darryl had huge grins on their faces.

I rolled my eyes, letting out a chuckle. "Don't start," I warned, but their grins stayed on their lips.

"Did I win the bet?" Darryl asked, looking at Marilyn.

"What bet?" Bowie raised her brow, pushing herself away from her dad's body. Darryl laughed, looking back at us with a knowing look.

"Mar and I decided to make a bet out of you guys' situation. There were only two possibilities. You either opened up to each other and took it a step further, or you kept on denying your feelings for each other your whole damn lives. So, did I win?"

I turned to look at Bowie, and she was staring at the floor while her cheeks turned red. I smiled, then reached for her hand and pulled her to my side. "We're figuring things out. But I love her deeply, and she knows it."

She looked up at me with a shy smile, and before either of her parents could say another thing to embarrass her, I decided that it was time to head upstairs.

"Have a good night," I told them, then walked up the stairs with Bowie's hand in mine.

"I can't believe they're actually sticking their noses that far up our business," Bowie mumbled.

We entered her bedroom, and to not let her start ramble about her parents, I closed the door behind her and pushed her against it, cupping each side of her face in my hands and kissing her the way I did back at Whitley's house.

She protested for a second, then moved her hands up my stomach to grip the fabric of my sweater tightly in her fists. I could feel her smile while she kissed me back. To my surprise, for it being her first-ever kiss, it was perfect. Her lips were soft and plump, and she tasted incredible. Sweet. So damn sweet.

I kissed her a lot throughout our friendship, but never like this. I never dared to, knowing Bowie would freak out. It hasn't been long since she saw me as more than just her best friend, and the same applied to me. We were living our lives with the thought of us staying friends forever. But, hell...being this close with Bowie was a whole other story.

I felt her tongue slide over my lips, and I could tell she wanted to take over. I wasn't quite done with having control over our kisses, so I reached down, cupped her bottom, and pulled her up against until she wrapped her legs around me. I walked over to her bed without breaking the kiss, and slowly let her down onto the bed.

With both my hands on each side of her head, I held myself up, not wanting to crush her underneath me. Our kiss became more intense, but I wanted to go slow.

I didn't feel like rushing things with her, and before I touched her places she didn't want me to touch, I wanted her to explore what she liked first.

Just as I had that thought, her legs which were still loosely wrapped around my hips pulled me closer to her.

I felt the heat between her legs against the growing bulge in my pants, and I slowly moved against her, making her moan softly.

Her hand moved over my chest, then along my stomach, until her fingers gripped my sweater again. My hardness was starting to get uncomfortable in my pants, and I soon needed to get some space down there.

I broke the kiss, planting one last on the corner of her mouth. Looking into her eyes, I smiled. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to kiss you. I don't think I could've waited any longer," I whispered, and she smiled brightly at me.

Her hand cupped my cheek, and the pad of her thumb brushed over my skin. "You told Dad we still had to figure things out," she said.

"We do. I don't wanna rush into this. We both know where this is going, but I still wanna take you out. On a real date," I suggested.

Her smile grew. "That sounds perfect," she whispered, and I leaned back down to kiss her lips again. I was going to make this work for both of us. Her first relationship, and my first ever relationship I was actually in love with the girl.

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