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hey! can you please stop
flirting with my boyfriend?

excuse me?

niall? your cheeky little
comments and your DMs?

for starters, he comments on
my pictures and secondly, why
the fuck are you reading his messages?

i'm not stupid Millie, I can see what
you're trying to do and it's not
gonna work

i'm genuinely laughing at you right now.
I've never 'flirted' with your boyfriend
alright? he leaves the cheeky comments
and i returned the favour once because
i'm a nice person alright?

it's clear that you're trying to take him
from me Millie, and it's clear that you 
like him just as I do. but guess what?
i'm his girlfriend, you're just some slag
on Instagram who shares bikini pics
to make herself feel better. he chose me
and he'll choose me over you any day,
so I'm telling you to back off before you
get hurt

are you listening to yourself? you make it
sound as though you're desperate. Niall can
comment what he pleases on my posts and can
text me what he likes, you don't control him. I
share bikini pictures for promotion to get people
to buy the clothes that I make. I appreciate you
trying to call me a slag, I really do, but I don't sleep
around with people and I don't get off on making
people feel bad about themselves. You should
seriously think about what you're saying because
you sound insane. Niall is his own person, Niall
can do what he wants and he shouldn't be with
a girl who checks his messages because he talks
to someone else. please stop messaging me, I think
it's the best for both of us when I say we aren't going
to be friends and that we never will be. enjoy being a
control freak who can't let their boyfriend have fun xo


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