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*Cassandra's POV*

A week had passed since the last text. .and that relaxed me a bit. .but with Cash always reminding me not to let my guard down helps a lot. .

she stays with us for a while she has business in London and well she wants freebies. .

"so??what do you think??" I asked her

she gave me a lazy look then look back at her laptop again. .

she's working. .

"I dont know Cass. ."

"come on its his birthday!!" I said

she sighed frustratedly at me. .

"Calix can buy anything he wants. .so just make something. .pfft whatever it is I dont care. .now get lost Im working. ." she said pissed

pffft. .

"thanks anyways. .that helped a lot. ." I said

Its Calix birthday tomorrow and I still dont know what to give him. .

I mean. .he's a Collins. .and well like what Cash said. .he can but anything. .and well he does have everything now. .

so Im at lost at what to give him. .

"ok!!thats it!!" I yelled happily

Cash jumped!!

"geez lower your freakin voice!!"

"sorry. ." I said

"oh no you dont!!" she said as I gave her my pleading look. .

"no Cass. .Im not going to be part of your plan!!"

"please???I need your help. ."


"thanks!!" I said as I bounce away. .

"wait Cassandra I said no!!!!!" she half yelled

But I ignored her anyway. .

she'll help me. .

I know she will. .

*Calix' POV*

I frowned at Cash who is not happy at all. .I dont get it. .Cassandra asked me to take a day off and I agreed because I thought she planned for sonething because well its my birthday!!but she didnt even greet me!!!

instead she insisted that I go with Cash so we can bond!!!

I mean does she know that her sister wants to kill me??!!

"so where do you want to go Cash??" I asked her

"beats me. .lets just ride the London Eye. .I have to take pictures from above. ." she said

I almost snorted at her. .


but we did ride it though. .I just sit there while she's busy at what she does. .

Cash look different when she's working. .

'come on Calix. .it will be fun. .you get to see Cash work. .' Cassandra said a while ago

'and why should I see her work??' I asked

'youll see later. .' she said smiling

and well I cant say no to her!!

So I studied Cash. .

theres something about her when she's taking pictures. .

theres a satisfied and genuin smile on her lips. .that you never see on normal occassions. .

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