Chapter 7: Michael Jackson

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Disclaimer: I own nothing, but the scenes I create. All credit goes to the CW, DC, and FOX

A/N: This chapter has a bunch of videos by the way... thanks for reading.

Previously: "'Now it is time to watch the Michael Jackson extravaganza.' The Ceiling Voice announced.

'Oh no,' Barry whispered as the screen lit up."

The scene showed the Warblers talking in the library about Regionals. They were all talking over each other about ideas.

"We should do One Direction."

"No, Backstreet Boys."

"Maroon 5!"

"We already did that!"


"They're so old though!"

"Elvis Presley!"

"That's even older!"

"Elton John."

"Bruno Mars."

"Ed Sheeran."

"Frank Sinatra!"


"Order!" Sebastian Smythe shouted over everyone as he hit the gavel on the desk. "Okay, we need to come into an agreement, but we can't be talking over each other to do so. We need ideas, good ideas that will help us defeat the New Directions during Regionals. So, any suggestions?"

"Not specifically an artist, but how about going back to our roots. Original boy groups and bands." Trent offered.

"So, how about Michael Jackson? Not too old, but still in our roots. All in favor?" Sebastian asked.

"I thought you said that you changed your set list when we decided that we were going to do MJ." Blaine said.

"We changed it a bit, I'll explain later, but yeah. Also considering that we performed 'Want You Back' the day after I approached you guys... I'm good, but I'm not that good. I can't create a number and have the Warblers perform it nearly perfectly in less than 24 hours." Sebastian explained while Blaine and the other members of the New Directions looked guilty for assuming the worst.

"Aye!" all the Warblers cried.

"Then let's get started. We need song ideas, soloists, and choreography. The council will determine song ideas, but Jeff and Nick can you guys help think of simple choreography that could go with any of Michael Jackson's songs and we can later build off of it. Everyone is dismissed until tomorrow's meeting!" Sebastian ordered. Thad and David then came up to Sebastian to talk over what songs they were going to sing.

"We should do Thriller!" Thad said excitedly.

"I heard the New Directions did that, not for competition, but for a half time show. It's mainly a crowd pleaser, but it wouldn't be my first choice to do in competition." Sebastian said.

"I know it's Jackson 5, but what about 'ABC?'" David asked.

"New Directions used it for Sectionals, but I like the idea of using Jackson 5. How about 'Want You Back?'" Sebastian suggested.

"That works." Thad answered and David nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay then, we'll start preparing for 'Want You Back,' any suggestions on a second song?" Sebastian asked.

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