Chapter 19: Continuing the Journey Part 2 (The Flash is Born)

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A/N: Well this took longer than expected. Hopefully the next one won't be as long of a wait. Thank you all for being so patient. Also about the videos, I could only find compilations of WestAllen and Snowbarry scenes for the episode, but I'll be using those, so be warned that in some cases I'll just use the same videos and only insert them once and some scenes aren't in the compilations. This Chapter covers the events of The Flash Season 1 Episode 6: The Flash is Born


Previously: "Is everyone done?" The Ceiling Voice sighed. Everyone nodded. "Finally! Now we need to get a move on, we're behind!"


(0:36 - 2:10; 2:32 - end)

The screen lights up to Iris sitting in Jitters, writing her blog on her laptop, when the Flash suddenly whooshes in, carrying her to the rooftop. Iris gasps in surprise, before turning around to face the hero.

"You're welcome," The Flash says cheekily.

"How did you - I literally just hit send," Iris gasps out.

"Speed reading," The Flash vaguely answers.

"But that doesn't necessarily mean you comprehended everything," Will pointed out.

Barry rolled his eyes, "my mind is also fast."

"That was made very obvious with the mind wiping situation with Savitar, Bart," Cisco joked.

¨You're never gonna let that go, are you?" Barry shook his head.

"Definitely not," both Cisco and Wally said in unison.

"It's crazy what you can do to your voice," Iris says in awe.

Barry speeds to the opposite side of the roof, "you need to stop writing your blog."

"People need to know that you exist," Iris defends, before her phone rings with Eddie calling. She declines the call, putting her phone away, "what else can you do?"

Barry speeds back to where he was, "this is not an interview."

"Come on. You got to give me something. Hobbies, pet peeves, favorite color?" Iris pulls for answers. "Wait, scratch that last one. Red, duh, obviously."

"You're not hearing me," Barry interrupts.

"My hearing is fine. It's just selective. What should I call you?"

"Anything but the Streak."

"The Blur," Winn, James, Kara, and Barry all said with a smirk on their faces, causing Cat to roll her eyes.

"That's a terrible name," Cisco responded, mouth agape.

"It's mysterious," Cat sighed, shaking her head.

"It's boring, that's what it is, it's a compl-" Cisco ranted before the next clip played.

"Fine. Suggestions?"

"You said that you were writing about me to bring hope to someone you care about. How would he feel if doing that put you in harm's way?"

Iris sighs, "he and I aren't exactly on the same page these days. Besides, you're giving hope to a lot of people, so I'm doing this for them."

Sirens suddenly blare causing the pair to turn towards the city.

"To be continued," Barry says, "gotta run."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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