24 August 2014
The many memories
City and loneliness
Driving past the lake as I think back,
Mini picnic on a cold winter day with the pianist and Jasmin.
The ice could break, but the thought first occurred later.
Life is too short to limit oneselfOn to the tunnel where I love to be.
With trains driving above me and the loud rumbling sound
The echo that sounds when biking through,
On my way to ju-jitsu with the heavy mats and wonderful people.
Where we throw each other around with a smile.Past the school, I think about the schoolmates.
After 9th grade, you can only wish for reunion parties.
The parties in which I used to sit and watch my drunk friends.
Those who tried to be there for me but gave up.
To them, I say Thank you.In my room is where I spend most of my life
On just thinking back toThe woods with Nina and Landy, the blonde dog.
The long talks and sweet moments,
Mud under my sole, the smell of nature and the rustle of trees.
The wind blowing through my hair and the people we didn't know but still greeted.
The secret I told, which you promised to keep and later broke.The station with the busy people
Where we meet to go on excursions
Hunger Games for 2 years and one night at the school every time
Just Dance in the classroom with classmates who loved the dance.I wish back,
to the younger days.
In Bispebjerg park,
with the family.There, where auntie
and mother
learned to ride a bikeThere, with all
the small grill partiesThere, with games
between brothers and sisters
all the cousinsBack to that school,
where my best friends wereThose, whom now
has left me
with only memories
and the remains of
the friendshipThe big famous
school with
gate A and BBack to when
Princess Mary
came to visitSpend most of
my early childhood
in the hospital
Saying "hello" to
the nurse who watched
Harry Potter with meThe different smell
of hand sanitizer
and medicine,
coming from the rooms.Lots of ill people.
I wish you all good.All the weddings
I grew up with.
Good luck.
One last wish
would be to let me
listen to musicIn the time I have left.
On this walk
with Amnesia
as background music
Because I will
forget it allJu-jitsu,
The sick days,
the cries
the times aloneI wish not to be remembered.
I wish to remember.
The Journal
PoesíaSo I've been writing journals for years now and I thought it would be interesting to post some of my entries and hear what you guys think. I am not gonna post them all.. Some entries are gonna get deep and some are not. They are numbered according t...