Animalistic Rage

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*Hanji's POV,*

I let out multiple screams as I felt the intense pain on my right shoulder. Blood was still pouring out in huge amounts. At this rate, I'll die of blood loss.

I heard Claudius let a mocking laughter.

"I knew that you would break soon enough! Now, why don't I even it up for you!?" He mocked.

He switched his hands around my body and he pulled put my left arm. He started pushing my elbow the opposite way until he snapped the bone like a tooth pick.

I let out a louder scream after he threw my left fore arm.

He kept on laughing at me mockingly while, I kept on screaming from the intense pain on both of my arms.

"Oops! It looks like I made it even worse!" He mocked and laughed louder.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" I heard Levi yell and the sound of wires from the 3DMG followed suit.

No! Levi don't! He'll kill you! I thought frantically, hoping that he could read my mind.

But sadly, he doesn't.

My eyes were squeezed shut because of the mind numbing pain I was feeling throughout my entire body but, I could still hear what was going on around.

"LEVI DON'T!!!" I heard Erwin yell at him but, his order fell on deaf ears.

"Get out of my way you midget!" I heard Claudius said, followed by the sound of a body contacting with a hard object and the sound of a crash.




I heard multiple voices yell.

I felt the pressure of the giant hand around my body tightened and I let out a scream as mind numbing pain erupted throughout my body.

"Well, it looks like you lose the game. You screamed in pain when I ripped off both of your arms and your midget boyfriend decided to attack me. It seems that I have no more use of you. But before I let you suffer a slow death, let me remove one more limb from you." He said.

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