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I guess I could start by telling you my schedule.


First period I have Spanish with Ms. Wilson, oh god don’t get me started on her. She always smells like cigarettes or weed or both, she’s always late to class- which is kind of a good thing- and she just doesn’t really seem to care about her job. But whatever, it’s her life and I’ll let her fuck it up any way she pleases.


Then I have second period choir with Mrs. Townzen, don’t get me wrong, I love singing, it’s the teacher I don’t like. She’s tryin to get us to sound like a gospel choir and we’re ninth graders for christs sake. Sorry my ambishire isn’t perfect and vowels aren’t twelve feet tall and I don’t always sing the right pitches, but so what? It’s not like I’m in varsity bitch, chill. I could go on forever about everything I don’t like about her or the class, but I’m already angry enough so I’m going to move on. K? K.


Third period I have gym which is actually pretty cool because we don’t really ever have to do anything in that class, and my best friend is in that class. She’s so great, her name is Sloan and she’s the best person you could ever hope to be or meet. There are so many great things about her but I don’t have time for that.


Fourth period is Algebra- *barf*- with Mr. Howard. Mr. Howard isn’t that bad, he’s actually a decent teacher and he’s kinda nice, but it’s really easy to make him mad and my class takes advantage of that. Sloan’s in that class but then there’s also Sydney, Sarah, Savannah, Drake, Alex, Rachel, Carley, and Drew used to be there but his parents are stupid and sent off to camp because he’s gay and they have problems with that.


Then thats the end of A day. My school does this weird A day/B day schedule thing.  have first period through fourth period, and on B days we have fifth through eighth period. Its really not as confusing as it sounds, but then again I’ve been doing this for a semester now so. Oh well.


I start off my B days with Biology for fifth period, which really isn’t that bad because my teacher is awesome. Her name is Ms. K and she’s pregnant but she isn’t showing that much yet. She says when we come back from Christmas break she’ll have swollen up like a balloon, I’d be so excited if that happened.


Then I have Coach Cooper for Health sixth period. Meh. She’s kinda terrible but she’s chill, if that makes sense. but I had my last day of class with her the other day so, oh well. Sam’s in that class with me which is fun I guess. Sam’s a cool guy and he’s funny and nice and chill so it’s fun having him around.


Seventh period I have World Geography with Coach Hutcherson. He’s so chill and his class is so easy, it’s great. Alex is in that class and she’s cool but I’m getting out of that class next semester so whatever.

Finally I have Mrs. Locke eighth period for English, what a joy that is. Somedays Mrs. Locke is chill and laid back, others not so much. Sloan is in that class too so that makes it bearable. English is a lot of work but I like writing so it’s not that bad.

Well, that’s my schedule. So, yeah, there you go.

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