Your nicknames for your friend group

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A/n: Oof longo title

Aries: Ching Chong(China, he hates it), Fluffy gurl/boi(Japan, he/she(idc which one it is) thinks it's adorable) and Southie(South Korea, he thinks that it's friggin' cute that you made nicknames for them)

Taurus: Finny(Finland, he wonders how much brain power it took for you to find a nickname for him), Esti(Estonia, he/she(again idc which one) doesn't like it, he/she LOVES it) and Swedish-fish(Sweden, he wonders why you nicknamed him after a candy)

Gemini: Tica(Antarctica, he doesn't care about it, if you're happy he's happy), Icy(Iceland, he thinks that it's kinda cute) and Gri-Gri(Greenland, he doesn't know how you came up with that nickname)

Cancer: Rico(Puerto Rico, he thinks you just got lazy), Ri-Ri(Costa Rica, she thinks it's funny yet cute) and Cuba and sometimes Bi(Cuba, HE JUST WANTED FOOD!)

Leo: Germy(Germany, he doesn't really notice you calling him Germy), Murder boi(Third Reich, he doesn't know what to think about it) and Reichy(Reichtangle, you can never tell what he thinks, so you couldn't tell what he thought about the nickname)

Virgo: Meri(America, he thinks it sounds like a girls nickname, so he doesn't really like it. but he still appreciates that you tried), Aussie or Aus(Australia, he likes it and he tries to get you to nickname all of his 'pets') and Kiwi(New Zealand, he/she loves Kiwis therefore she loves the nickname)

Libra: Ruski or Vodka lover(Russia, he doesn't know what to think about it, though he's embarrassed that you call him Vodka lover), Ukie or Rai(Ukraine, he/she is too wrapped up in making flower crowns to notice when you first calling him/her that but after a while catches on with the nicknames and is thoroughly embarrassed) and Bells or Bela(Belarus, he/she doesn't care, if you're happy he/she's happy)

Scorpio: Poli(Poland, is fine with it. He just doesn't want you to call him 'Poli' in public), Baguette(France, he/she likes that you nicknamed him/her after his/her favorite food) and Mexi(Mexico, he thinks that you just got lazy or that you couldn't find a good nickname for him)

Sagittarius: Philip or Phili(Philippines, he/she thinks it's kinda funny), Military child(Martial Law, he wonders why he is friends with you, that and why you call him Military 'child' he's older than you for the sake of hell!) and Deli(Del Pilar, he just wanted food and he often gets mixed up when your talking about an actual 'deli' and him)

Capricorn: Tea-bag(Uk,he doesn't mind), Lu-lu(Luxembourg, he thinks it's a girls name so he just doesn't respond to it) and Engi(pronounced En-ji)(England, he don't mind, he's cool with it.)

Aquarius: Flower Blossom(Hong Kong, it took him/her a little while to figure out why you called him/her 'Flower Blossom', but once he/she found out he was fine with out. Just don't call him/her 'Flower Blossom' in public), Thai(Thailand, he thinks you just couldn't find a good nickname for him so you just call him 'Thai' for short) and Clean freak(Singapore, he don't mind. It IS true after all)

Pisces: Myth boi(Greece, he doesn't notice you calling him that. When he finally notices you calling him that we'll let you know), Vampire(Romania, he doesn't know how you found out that he's a vampire, he just prays that you don't tell) and Asshole(Spain, he doesn't know why he's even friends with you)

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