Breathe 24: Meet the leader, Alpha-

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As they entered the biggest cottage inside the camp, Jimin's eyes widened as its interior looked more way bigger than outside. Unlike in Merendelle, it has many more rooms and a bigger kitchen. Also a big meeting hall.

"Lets go upstairs." Jackie said as he leads the way upstairs. Jimin also noticed that it has 3rd floors. More higher than Merendelle's.

As they made it in the 3rd floor, he noticed that it's a large corridor yet it had three rooms. The two rooms faced each other in opposite sides while the third room is in their front.

The 3rd door is way more bigger than the two in the sides. It was a door made of dark wood and it's carved well.

"You'll love the boss. I swear." Jackie reassured as he noticed Jimin, Elma, Vanessa and Jaemin tensed.

"You think so?" Vanessa asked as she felt a hand holding her's. Its from Elma.

"Yep! He's supper intelligent. Plus, gis husband is such a great cook! He helps the cooks to cook everyday! Cooking is his forte" Jackie explained as he opened the big oak door.

"I heard what you said, Jackie." A soft giggle was heard as the door swung open.

There revealed a man with a beautiful detailed features. It has blonde hair and dimples in each side of its lips. He was sitting in a chair and a table ahead of him, where Jinin presumed there was a map rested in the top surface.

Jimin noticed another man in the side. He was sitting in a Maroon leather couch, sipping a hot tea. He was tall and he has a beautiful pair of brown eyes. He also have a well-shaped plump lips like Jimin's.

"Oh, Jin hyung..." Jackie cheekily smiled and excused himself. "I'll wait outside." He lastly said as he finally closed the door.

Jimin noticed the room was like an office in companies. He looled at the man in front of them and noticed a bossy aura radiating from him.

"Welcome everyone." A low voice was heard. Its from the man infront of them.

"I am Namjoon. The leader of this Camp. This is my hisband, Jin." He introduced with a warm smile.

"N-nice to meet you too." Jimin and the rest said in synchronization.

"I am Han Vanessa, This is Choi Elma my girlfriend. This is Ho Jaemin the driver and this is Park Jimi-

"Oh! You're Yoongi's Fiancee right?" Jin cuts him off. Jimin widened his eyes. Vanessa nodded.

He knew Yoongi hyung?

"U-uh yes.... How'd you know him?"

"We were highschool classmates actually... Together with my husband, Namjoon." Jin chuckles. "He was a brat back then. Never wanted being disturbed in his sleep." Jin smiled at the memory.

Jimin smiled. He never thought Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi knew each other already.

"Anyways, is he there?" Namjoon finally butted in with a glow in his eyes. "Its been to long since I saw him... The last time he contacted us when you finally said 'yes' " He added.

Jimin's smile slowly turns into a frown.

"H-he.... passed away" Jimin quietly answered and Vanessa reassuringly rubs his back.

"WHAT?!" The husbands shouted in unison that makes Yeongwha wakes in her deep slumber and cried. Jimin was startled too and immediately cradled the baby in his arms.

"oh, sorry..." Jin apologized.

"But when?" Namjoon asked as he stood up, attempting to walk towards him.

"Five days ago...."

"Oh God... That punk.." Jin whispered as he hugs Jimin tightly. It may be weird but Jimin knew they're complete strangers, yet, but he feels so comfortable in the hug.

"Im so sorry for hearing that..." Namjoon spoke and Jin hummed.

"I guess, you've been in a long exhausting journey, Jackie will accompany you to your rooms and there are already clothes in everyroom. So feel free to use shower and your dinner is already prepared." Namjoon explains and finally, all of them finally got outfrom the room.

They were delivered into their room but, the kids and Jimin are separate. There's a separate house for kids who's 11 years old below so Jimin was left alone in the room.

He immediately headed ahower as he saw the clothes prepared for him. He closed the door and started to strip off the dirty clithes off of his body.

He stepped inside the shower and let the wark water slide in everyparts of his body. He closed his eyes and zwashed his face, then rubbed his body with soap and so on.

As he was finished, he wears the clothes prepared for him and walled downstairs and saw the whole individuals getting ready for dinner.

"Hey, Jimin." A familiae voice rang into his ears. He turned around and saw Taehyung and Hoseok with sad smile.

"Oh Guys.." Jimin cried and hughed the younger ones. They hugged back and let themselves in that for a while.

Soon, the dinner atarted and they eat in delight, except for Jimin who's barely smiling.


As they finished eating, three person washed the dishes and another five cleaned and arranged the table. Jimin kissed his kids goodnight and headed upstairs.

As he entered, he plopped in his bed and suddenly, he felt sadness engulfing the atmosphere.

There, he highed himseld, quietly crying. Missing Yoongi so much. He qiped the tears and hughed the free pillow and covered his body in warm sheets.

"Goodnight, Yoongi." He whispered until he fell asleep.

-May 20 2020

Seriously guys, if you're expecting Yoongi to comeback, maybe yes, maybe not : )

Stay safe, stay at home, stay hydrated. Iloveyouall!!


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