Chapter 16: Winter Formal, Part 1

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It wasn't until the week before winter break when Jennie had finally completed the portrait of Ms. Manoban. To the brunette teenager's discontent, they weren't supposed to work on the project right away. But, when they did get to work on it, it wasn't going to be exactly what Jennie had planned. They were doing it in ebony pencil at first, which was fine with her because the drawing turned out exactly how she wanted it, but then Ms. Seong surprised at least her with announcing that they were going to do it again. But this time it was supposed to be even further detailed with charcoal, both white and black, and ebony pencil.

Jennie wanted to cry. She was eager to show her creative writing teacher the ebony portrait as soon as it was completed, but the art teacher wouldn't let the students take them out of the room. She contemplated on sneaking it out, but the damned folder was too large and the pencil bits too messy. So she had to wait.

And it wasn't until after the entire class had finished the charcoal was she able to receive both projects back. Then she was conflicted. Jennie thought for sure the ebony portrait would be the best, but goddam, the way she was able to capture every detail of Lisa's eyes and perfect smile with the charcoal made her want to take the messier project to flaunt.

That was a mistake, because when she arrived home the day she was able to bring the projects back, she was covered and messy as hell. That's when Sunny had suggested she had the pictures framed to preserve their appearance. Of course, Jennie had no argument with that and decided to wait the few extra days until they were fitted and framed. She had to do it all herself instead of letting her foster mother take the art with her. Really, she didn't want Sunny to know that the subject was that of Lisa. That would surely earn some questioning.

But by the time she had them in her room, sitting in their shiny new frames, it was Thursday night and Lisa was busy with work, so she couldn't bring them over. She had to wait before she would be able to show the teacher the charcoal portrait of herself. And, shit, that was going to be a bother to carry around school for three whole periods and what have it afterwards.

Maybe she could leave it home and convince Lisa to wait for her as she would quickly run home and grab it. And so she did. Fourth period was over and Lisa was waiting by her desk for Jennie to assume her place.

The brunette pulled out the paper bag and two bottles of juice from her backpack before heading over to the teacher's desk and setting the items down. Lisa offered her a smile before her visage melted into that of confusion.

"Are you not going to sit today, Jennie?" she asked.

"Actually," Jennie started, a light pink tinting her cheeks as she played with one of the juices. "I finished that drawing of you."

"You did?" She seemed momentarily confused before surprise etched across her features. "I had forgotten that you were working on that, dear. I assumed that you had given up."

"Never." Jennie quickly said.

"Where is it?" This time, Lisa seemed to have taken a much darker tone to her cheeks and that had the brunette smirking, although she tried to hide it from the woman's wandering chocolate orbs.

Jennie bit her lip and played with a brunette lock of hair, twirling it around her finger. "At my house. I have to go get it. I didn't want to lug that thing around throughout the day."

"Oh, you shouldn't walk out in this weather, honey." Lisa frowned, looking up at the brunette who stood on the other side of her desk. "It snowed this morning. I don't think it's a wise idea."

"But I want you to see it." Jennie pouted and took a step away from the woman's desk. "You were busy yesterday when it got back from the framers."

"Jennie..." She looked conflicted for a moment, then quickly stood from her chair and grabbed the pea coat that draped around the back of it.

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