Chapter 16: Winter Formal, Part 2

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The two of them had quickly made their way into Jennie's apartment, of course, being immediately greeted by Sunny. She wore a wide smile on her face and held two dressed in her hands. Looking behind her, Jennie knew just what was there- the makeup kits.

"You girls ready?"

"As long as we have some good tunes." Jennie smirked and made her way over to her foster mother, dropping the messenger bag onto the floor as she shed both jackets.

"Depends on what, dear. We have to make a unanimous decision." Sunny quirked a brow at Jennie's bag before gesturing to a free kitchen chair for Rosé to take. The woman did just that as the brunette pulled her phone from her pocket.

"Only because you hate it when I listen to the majority of my playlist. Admit it, Sunny, you hate rock."

"I do not. I simply do not like profanity in some of the music you listen to." She replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well... Cher it is." Jennie shuffled through the music on her phone and chose a song. The beat of it filled the silence and had the newly pumped Jennie slightly moving to it.

"Awesome, right?"

"One of her new ones?"

'Yeah. And no profanity, so don't worry." The brunette gave her foster mother a wry look.

"Oh, sit you down and let me do your makeup."

"It was just a little joke." Jennie feigned a pout as she took the spot next to Rosé. She leaned towards her and whispered: "Sorry 'bout my foster mother."

Rosé giggled a response. "It's alright. Your bickering is rather entertaining."

"Better than cable?"


"I can make you girls look like clowns if I want. Need I remind you of who exactly is doing your makeup." Sunny was quick to interrupt Rosé's next thoughts. She had quickly donned the same quickly visage that she had earlier.

"Sorry, Mrs. Lee."

"It's quite alright, Rosé." The pixie-haired gave her a reassuring smile, but the same had not been given to Jennie when she had turned her attention to the brunette. "Now you on the other hand, young lady..."

"Sorry," Jennie let her head drop to stare at the twiddling thumbs on her lap.

But the only response to that was a giggle that had the brunette very nearly flinching. Of course, this laughter was genuine and happy, unlike the cold, cruel cackles that she had received from previous foster parents. She always had a hard time apologizing just because of that. Every time that she even had remotely tried, she always had gotten it thrown back in her face.

They would laugh at her and say that an apology was not enough for whatever small misguidance that she had. That would be before they either punished her with abusive hands or sat her in solitude.

But, Jennie had to remind herself, Sunny and Seung-gi weren't like them. They weren't cruel, nor were they vicious. They were kind, loving, and warm. Whatever faulty thing that the brunette may have done, their worse punishment was always a stern talk and perhaps the confiscation of her cellphone for the rest of the day. The brunette could only wonder what the two of them would do if she were to do something far worse that would ultimately push them past their limit. Hopefully, she would never have to find out.

"It's alright, sweetheart." The elementary schoolteacher lay a hand on Jennie's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

"Okay." The brunette bit her lip, her cellphone held in a tight grip.

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