In the coming years, john never recovered from seeing his lover brutally murdered in front of him. Everytime he thought of it, it brought tears to his eyes. Nine months later, john gave birth to a half bird child because anna refused to let him get an abirdtion. They would raise the child in their basement, never letting it see the light of day. It was a freakish bird child, and everyday john and anna told it that. They never even gave it a name, and fed it only baja blast, while microdosing it w acid from the ripe age of 6 months. John secretly loved the child, it reminded him of duo, his featherly fiance.
On one particularly tragic morning john woke up and missed duo so so much that he was done. Done with anna, done with his freak bird child and done with life. He drove to the empire state building, bought a ticket ton the top and walked top the edge. He taped the note to his chest and prepared to jump. This was the end, november 18th would be his last day. There was no one there to stop him. He climbed over the edge and closed his eyes and then he heard a voice. Was it duo? Anna? The bird child? No. It said "John, wait. look for the gummy bear album on november 19th."
He was confused, "What?" Making eye contact with the creature.
"Look for the gummy bear album in store on november 19th, john" He smiles and grabs his hand, "With lots of videos, music and extras." John smiled and his vision focused. It was his childhood crush, the gummy bear official.
He stepped back over the railing. "This won't be my last day, i have to wait." Mr bear led john to the elevator, where they passionitely made out, in return for saving his life.