Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Hi! Skip this if you'd like, but I wanted to write a bit before I began. Thank you, everyone, who supported me before, and continues to support me. Your comments drive and inspire me to pursue writing lighthearted works again.

I have no clue how this will turn out. Hopefully it will end up good, but I never make any promises loll! But. I will try to roll out (on average) an update a week, as summer rolls around and I have absolutely nothing to do. Please be lenient, because I want to write something good, not something fast. Enjoy, as I found inspiration drawn from 12 year old me to write yet another fantasy.

[marinette's p.o.v]

The desolate night air, the sweet smelling kind that drafts through the summer time, ran through my bangs, ruffling them about my face. My knees were aching from running, and I clutched them from exhaustion, heaving deep breaths as I tried to calm myself.

What was that?

I heard a faint cry in the distance, a high pitched squeal that had been following me for the past 30 minutes.

Why won't it leave me alone!?

I would cry out for help to the houses surrounding me, but if I was caught out at this time of night, anything I would tell them wouldn't be justified. And.. there was no face with this scream I kept hearing.

Granted, I was running, and I'm definitely not coordinated enough to look behind me and run at the same time. But every glance I got, it looked like I was running from nothing.

Maybe I was crazy. Yeah, I was probably crazy. Thus, why i stopped to catch my breath.

The screaming got louder and more clear, and I fell to the ground, covering my head as I braced for impact. But nothing happened. The voice got softer as it approached.

"Why won't you stop! You've been running forever! I'm not going to hurt you!"

I didn't dare peak from under my arms, but the voice I heard was so sweet, and so small, I wanted to badly.

"I promise I'm not scary, just look at me! And we must go back to collect the box you dropped instantly."

Ah yes, the box.

I had snuck out of my parents bakery late tonight, because I planned on visitng a friend of mine tonight. We could only meet at night, because her parents are very strict and won't let her go anywhere.

I was walking down the street, trying not to make much noise when I tripped over something small on the ground, and I landed splat!, right on my face. Per usual. I thought it must have been a rock, but when I saw something glowing, I instantly got curious.

I picked up the box, and it began talking! I squealed, dropping the box and running as far as I could, but the voice followed me. Leading me where I am now.

I peaked from under my arms, and in front of me hovered a small red and black creature like nothing I had ever seen before.

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