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I woke up to someone shaking me awake, I opened my eyes to see Newt, Hes smile was wide making me smile as well. All I thought was about the kiss we shared, that filled me with excitement but the thought of what Alby would say if he would find out filled me with worry and some guilt.

"Hey, it's time for breakfast love" Newt whispered I smiled, standing up. Still in my shorts, I walked with him to the homestead which smelled like fruit. Me and Newt walked in line to get our food.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked as we waited

"I slept great" I answered smiling. Newt grabbed my hand smiling at me. Our hands being covered by the body's around us to hungry to notice. As we got to the front we let go and took our fruit bowls from fry. I smiled as we walked to sit down with Thomas, Mhino and Chuck along with a couple other gladers. Me and Newt next to each other. Chuck looked at us smiling a bit, I just looked down joy drawing anymore attention to myself, Thomas, Newt and Mhino talked about the Maze and how the day would play out.

"Maddie" I heard Mhino say interrupting my thoughts. "Are you excited for your first day being a track-hoe?" He asked, I smiled. I thought about how yesterday I should have been one but I didn't because of Blake. BALKE!

"Guys?" I asked looking at Newt "where did Blake go?" Silence fell around the table.

"Well" Newt choked "uh- he was banished" banished "he won't be coming back" he simply finished Mhino looking down. I felt a hand over mind that was laying on the bench. It was Newts.

I lifted my eyes looking at him.

"I'm here, love...with you" he whispered to me, making my face heat up. Soon Mhino had to go run the Maze and me and Newt had to go to the gardens. The sun was beating down all day making terrible to work. As Newt land down soil, dig out weeds and cut up roots I had to cut roots, and pick vegetables for dinner.

I kneeled down next to him, I picked up a blade and began cutting up roots. No one really talked Newt was laying down dirt, I looked over to him. Even though it was hot and he was covered in dirt he still smiled. I turned back to the roots. I started chopping them, I pulled back my blade and flung it forward finally chopping through the root finally.

—an half hour later—

Finally done I stood up going over to pick the vegetables, I looked back over to Newt who was now chopping roots. He looked over to me smirking, his brown eyes staring at me as if they could see threw me. He quickly lifted his shirt over his head, he had a 6 pack that was shiny from sweat. He winked at me before turning back to the tree root.

Really, he is so annoying and the worst part is he knew that it bugged me. I started picking tomatoes, and pulling up carrots the sweat beating down my forehead. I whipped my forehead and picked up the basket pull of vegetables bringing them over to the kitchen. I set them down and walked back.

"Hey, Green bean" I heard a British accent said behind me, I turned around smiling.

"Hey, Gecko" I smirked at him saying that with more sass then I intended. Newt sighed.

"The heat gettin to you" he asked I nodded.

"Well finish your work and go take a shower, I mean the waters Ice cold" he laughed, I nodded and he turned around walking away getting back to work. I turned around knowing my work was done and walked over to the shower. I walked in and stepped into a stall stripping my close and turning on the shower.

The cold water soothing me instantly. It was about 2 minutes in when I heard the door open.

"Maddie?" Newt asked

"Yeah?" You asked him still standing at the door of the room.

"Did you finish your work?" He sighed

"Yea Newt" I said with sass.

"No you didn't" he sassed back, "Frypan said there wasn't enough carrots"

"Newt I-" I started but then I realized there was more carrots I needed sighed turning off the shower and grabbing my towel drying myself off before putting back on my clothes. I stepped out hair damp.

"Go do your work" Newt said the heat most likely getting to him as well.

"No" I said pushing past him walking out. He followed me.

"What do you mean no?" He asked

"I mean no" I answered still walking away

"Better finish your work Maddie"

"Catch me" I said before running, I jumped over plants and finally ran into the shed slamming the door. Newt banged on the door.

"Get out here Maddie, don't make me brake down this door" I didn't anwer, I just waited. "Maddie get out here" Newt said

"Make me." You finally said then the door opened Newt walking in, stepping closer to me the door closing behind him.

"Look Maddie you have to do your work" he said leaning on the wall

"Look Newt, it's my first day, the sun is beating down. I did most of my work! Blake got banished and no one is telling me what it is! And you yelling at me is not helping!" You yelled, Newts face then softened.

"I'm sorry.." he smiled

"It's ok, I was being bitchy first" he sighed and nodded "it's just the hole Blake thing was bothering me and now I have to work and I know I have to it's just-" Newt cut you off

"Well maybe you need a distraction" he said simply, you smiled walking over to him wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Maybe I do" you whispered, Newt pressed his lips against yours. You kissed him back, I know I told chuck it was just a kiss but it wasn't and you and Newt knew that.

-Mhinos POV-
I had gotten back form f he maze an half an hour ago, I was looking for Newt but I couldn't find him anywhere. I walked up to Zart who was sitting down with Winston.

"Hey do you know where Newt is?" I asked Zart looked up at me.

"He went into the shed a while ago" Zart answered, why was he in a shed. I nodded and turned around walking over to the shed. I sighed opening the door. Maddie sat on the table Newt leaning on the wall on the other side of the room.

"Hi Mhino" Maddie said, what the fuck?

"Hey..uh what are you guys doin?" I asked

"We're escaping the sun" She laughed "well I'll leave you too" Maddie said hopping down off the table and past me. I turned to Newt.

"Spill" I said

"What?" He answered confused

"I said spill, I'm your best friend tell me what happened" I said, looking at him. Newt sighed.

"Ok, maybe we've kissed...once..twice" I gasped, Newt laughed a bit "I called it, I called it!" Newt hushed me

"You better not tell Alby" he said glaring at me.

"I'm kinda hurt you think I would do that to you" Newt laughed as we both walked out of the shed..

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