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We began to run forward until we got to another turn, it was right. We turned and saw a bridge..with a door at the end. I turned to the boys.

"We fight..now we give it our all. Bree and Chuck you stay close to me" I say they nodded, Newt gave me a quick kiss before I grabbed Chuck and Brees hands. The boys ran forward first me following them close behind. It was empty... no Grivers, I was confused until I looked up to see 6 Grivers coming donw straight for us. Newt pushed me out of the way as Mhino and the other boys got in front. I ran to the circle door at the end. There was a mental sign on it. It read 'say name'

Uh...I looked behind me to see Winston fighting off one of the Grivers before looking back at the door.

"Uh..maze? Wicked? Uh..Bree..Chuck..Newt..Gally..Mhino? Thomas?!" Nothing... "Uh...Maddie?" That's when the light flashed green opening the door Me Chuck and Bree stepped in, there was another code with numbers..I remembered the 5 on the wall is there mote numbers. Then I remembered Newt tell me something about Maze patterns.

"Uh- Mhino, whats the Maze pattern."

"What!" He yelled back

"Maze pattern!"

"Uh..1,4,3,2,5,,7,8,6!" I started sorting the numbers trying not to force on the screams behind me. Then it opened, I looked behind me to see that the door was closing.

"Guys! Run!" I ran to the door, Mhino ran along with everyone left. Newt still not in and the door about to close. "Newt!" He started running towards the nearly closed door and drove threw right before it closed. We sat in darkness, Mhino started feeling ageist the wall before pushing a door open letting light in the room. I kissed Newt my hands on either side of his head as everyone filled out.

"Ahem" Mhino started "don't mean to ruin this moment, oh wait I do because we're making it out so come on!" I broke the kiss holding Newt hand following everyone out of the door and into a hallway. We began to walk down, the only ones left was Winston, Thomas, Chuck, Newt, Me, Chuck, Bree, Frypan and Mhino..Jeff and Clint were dead...gone.

We walked down the grey hallway with red lights flashing. Pips ran across the walls, then we came to the door with a red sign that red 'Exit' almost making me laugh.

"Really?" Frypan said as we pushed open the door, dead body's along the walls every few steps they were shot.. I held Bree close as Newt did the same with me. We walked into a room with a TV. We looked around, I saw a big red button. What's the worst it could do I asked as I pushed it. Then the TV snapped on seeing the woman who had took me...

"If you are seeing this, congratulations you are alive. Sadly if you are seeing this I am not. You must be angry, scared, and sad now but we put you in this for a reason. The world went to hell when the sun rays got to strong and with O-zone layer getting thinner it was impossible to stop the spread of the virus. We call it the Flare, a deadly virus that took the world by surprise. It is deadly killing almost anyone who has it. Now we thought it was over when we found a cure, the Youth has the cure in its blood. If you are wondering yes you are those people. We put you in the maze to test you brain waves and to see what you would do in high stress situations...now I must go.." people were getting shot in the video behind her behind the glass she was in. "Forgive me.." the woman said before placing a gun to head and pulling a trigger. I covered Brees eyes as she dropped. The room she filmed it in was the one to our left. I looked in to see the woman on the floor..dead

"I hate you.." I heard someone saw form behind me, I turned around to see Gally..he looked like shit his eyes sucked in. His skin coloured red. He pointed a gun at Me.

"Your stung.." I said, he laughed. Loading the gun. Newt stepped in front of me.

"Noo!" Chuck yelled as he jumped in front of Newt. Thomas threw a spear through Gallys chest.. he fell to his knees before he fell forward. I sighed looking at Newt who looked shocked.

"Guys.."Chuck said, I looked at him blood on his shirt growing by the second. I gasped "help.." he fell as I caught him laying him in my lap. His eyes filling with tears.

"Your ok...I'm here, we're going to get you help chuck" I whispered he shook his head blood filling his mouth.

"This is it Maddie" he whispered a tear dropping from his eye. Thomas kneeled next to me. Tears filled my eyes "I'm..scared"

"Don't be scared, I'm here with you" I sobbed, he smiled blood falling out of his mouth rolling down his face. "I'm here" I whispered as he handed a toy figure to me. It was wood, a snow man.

"Give this to my parents..please.." I nodded as closed his eyes. That's when the doors slammed open and guards came in.

"We got to go!" They yelled they started taking people out as I hung on to Chuck. Soon they grabbed me, I screamed for them to let me go trying to back to my to my dead friend. They dragged me outside as they pushed me into a helicopter closing the doors. Newt hugged me close me sobbing into his chest. Mhino holding Bree has Newt cries as well. One of the guards sat with us looking around to us. Sand was around us everywhere as if we were in the Desert. I looked back up at the guard who smiled at us.

"Don't worry kids, everything is going to change.."

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