Day two

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I woke up peacefully with Hisoka still sound asleep. I shifted carefully so I wouldn't wake him up, but he woke up anyways. "Good morning." His morning voice was gruff in contrast with his usual velvety one. Being close with Hisoka enables me to see his "human" side, even though he's full human. At least I think he is. I get to see more of his emotions, his true feelings towards things. I get to see more of his imperfections, his flaws. He shows himself to the world as perfect, not a defect in sight. His skin is smooth and dewy, no pores visible to the naked eye. His hair is shiny and healthy, not one strand is out of line. His muscles are perfectly cut and sculpted, you'd think he was carved from stone. His style is so particular, although his attire fits the description of "clownish" or "jester-like". He knows how to dress himself and when he does, poised and coiffed. But the Hisoka I know, is just like any other human. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked. "You know...stalk little boys." He said casually. "That's one way to say it." I rolled my eyes as I entered the bathroom to get dressed. I came out in a matter of minutes, ready for whatever the day had to throw at me. Or in this case Hisoka. I was almost hit with one of his playing cards. I knew if he had the intent of slicing me into bits, he could. Instead, it just embedded itself in the door frame. "What the hell was that for?" I exclaimed. "You need to have better reaction time, don't let your guard down. Remember, you're here to train with me for the week. I expect progress to be made." He smirked as he flourished his deck of cards. "Ok whatever, what am I doing today?" I asked again. "Find Gon and Killua, then report back to me." He said. "Can you tell me where they are?" I asked. "No, this is part of your training. You need to be able to lock down your target independently." He emphasized the word "independently". "Fine, be like that. I'll see you later." I grabbed my stuff roughly. "I'll be here~." He sang obnoxiously as I walked out the door. I was a bit frustrated with Hisoka, because he's making me stalk his little boy toys when I could be training. I might not like training at this moment, but now that I know about my nen I can't just give up on it. I'm excited to be stronger, almost determined to be. Taking a walk without Hisoka nearby made me calm down a little. He may be frustrating at times, but I trust that he knows what he's doing. 'Now I have to find those boys.' I thought to myself as I walked around town.

I saw a cute little cafe and I just couldn't resist. "I could use some food to help me on my little mission." I said to myself as I walked up to the counter. I ordered a little bite to eat with (your favorite drink). I was almost done my food when I saw a flash of white hair by the window. Not even seconds later, black hair was seen following the white haired one. "Shit, that must be them!" I quickly cleaned up and ran outside. "I'll beat you to the candy shop!" The white haired boy yelled back to the other boy. I recognized them from the pictures, it is them! I followed them to the candy shop and I watched them as they scanned the room. Killua ran straight to the chocolate section and grabbed as many chocco robos as he could. I forgot the other boys name, but he was looking around for some other candy. I quickly checked the pictures that Hisoka gave me. "Oh his name is Gon." I whispered to myself as I walked in. 'These boys actually are interesting.' I thought to myself. I observed them as I made it look like I was shopping for candy. Then I thought about it more, what I was doing. 'I enjoy watching these boys, they're interesting.' I repeated my last thought. I'm just like Hisoka then, I don't want to be like him! I started to freak out. Then I remembered that Hisoka likes these boys sexually. Not only did it make me gag, but it calmed me down because I am nothing like Hisoka that way. These boys are interesting to me because one of them is Illumi's brother. I want to know more about his family and I want them to like me. As for Gon; he's just really happy all the time, I can't help but smile. I can tell he's strong. They were talking about their nen and their matches at Heaven's arena. I listened closely as I scanned the various candies. "Bungee gum!" I said a bit too loudly. Of course it made me think of Hisoka, it's his nen type. I know I found that out more recently, but when we first met that was the candy I offered him. I grabbed a few packs and I rung them up. I stuffed the newly bought candy in my bag and turned back to the boys, who were now staring at me. "You like Bungee gum?" Killua asked disgusted. "Yes, I do. You like Chocco Robos huh?" I commented back, earning a small smirk from him. "You're the girl from the dinner before I left." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Yes, I am." I nodded slowly. I was unsure what he was thinking and it made me nervous. I don't care that he's an assassin, the only thing that concerns me is his relation towards Illumi. If he's thinking something bad or if he doesn't approve of me, I'm sure that goes into consideration... "So he really has decided on you, he goes through girls like mad." Killua said casually. "Oh." I didn't know what to say to that, it just made me more insecure. Illumi had more experience than I thought. "You know her?" Gon butted in. "She's my brother's girlfriend, soon to be wife." He explained. "Um, he hasn't really asked me out yet. But yes, pending girlfriend. Hoping to be wife." I corrected. "Oh congratulations!" He beamed. "Well, nice meeting you I guess. We're gonna go." Killua deadpanned. "Ok, bye." I smiled and waved them off. "I wonder if Hisoka wanted that to happen. Was I only to stalk, not interact?" I guess I'll find out when I get back.

I walked back to Hisoka's room, well I guess it's our room now. I opened the door, but I didn't see him. "I guess he's out." I said as I set my things on the floor. I wanted to get a little practice in before dinner, so I started to meditate. I sat on the floor with my legs crossed, my mind was cleared. I tried to get comfortable, but I couldn't for some reason. "Maybe it's my clothes..." I stripped until I was left in my undergarments. I settled again, this time it felt much better. "This is strange, does my meditation spirit or whatever care if I'm clothed?" I said aloud as I shut my eyes. I felt warmth take over again, it felt more familiar to me now. It didn't feel long before the door opened, I assumed it was Hisoka. I opened my eyes to see him in a different outfit. "Did you go shopping?" I asked as I got up. "Guess you could say that." He smirked at me as he scanned my body. "What are you-?" I cut myself off before I realized I was half naked. "Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot!" I quickly picked up my shirt and put it on. "It just felt better meditating like that." I continued. I wasn't as embarrassed since I'm more comfortable with Hisoka than others, but that doesn't mean I should be like that all the time. I scanned him, just as he did to me a few minutes ago. His outfit consisted of a black, half shirt with a red heart and a red diamond on on it and the trim was golden. His torso was a pink spherical shape which was odd, but I didn't question it. His pants were regular white sweat pants, but it was a much thinner material than the other ones. I liked this outfit a lot better. "Did Machi make this for you?" I asked. "How'd you know?" He smiled. "I was hoping you would see her, she did a good job." I grinned. "Hmm yes, she is quite the girl." His eyes rolled back. I picked up the hint that they eloped this afternoon. It made me happy that they got a long, but at the same time I didn't really want to know. "Did you confess? What did you tell her?" I asked eagerly. "That's for another day. Did you find the boys? Get any information worth hearing?" He asked. "That's for another day~."  I mocked him in a playful tone. 

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