Day Five

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I inhaled sharply, flinching from the nightmare I woke up from. I turned over to see Hisoka's silhouette on the bed. I relaxed once I knew the dream wasn't real. I slowly sat up to check the clock, it read 4:47 am. I had to release my nervous energy some how, so I quietly got dressed and grabbed my knife. Once I was out of the room, I bolted down the hallway to the elevator. My body was still in a cold sweat and I was very unstable. It was difficult to keep my bloodlust under control. I don't usually kill often, but when I do it's brutal. I lurked in the darkness, roaming along the alleyways to find a target. I couldn't keep focus because fragments of the nightmare kept replaying in my mind.

There stood Illumi, Hisoka, and one other that was unfamiliar to me. They all seemed relatively close in age, I wonder if this mystery person existed in real life. Their conversation among each other was inaudible to me, but the tension drastically increased. At the time, I had no clue what was going to happen. I was temporarily deaf, so I had to rely on my other senses. But once I caught on that these men were going to fight each other, I sprinted towards them. The only thing that plagued me was my indecisiveness, like Hisoka mentioned before. I remember thinking to myself, 'Knowing Hisoka, he would attack first.' The only thing I didn't know, was if he was going to pick Illumi or the other man. I would obviously pick Illumi to protect, since the other one had no relation to me. As I kept running, more thoughts surged through my mind. 'I don't know this man, what if he is planning to kill Illumi and Hisoka. Which one would I chose to save?'

I was rudely interrupted when someone grabbed me. I couldn't register who was attacking me, since flashbacks of the nightmare were still playing. I instinctively stabbed the man in the leg so he would release. "Big mistake." I growled as I lost control of myself. From there I didn't exactly know what happened, I was still slightly in a trance.

The closer I got, the more nervous I became. Which one will I choose? 'Hisoka has been my best friend for years, but Illumi is my...lover.' I could feel all of them emit bloodlust, but Hisoka's was the strongest. I knew Hisoka was going to attack the shorter man with the cross on his forehead, but who was Illumi going after? If it was Hisoka, do I try to intervene?  So many questions, so many choices. I couldn't make a decision, I could only throw myself in the middle of them.

I stabbed the man repeatedly as he bellowed in pain. I grew anxious that he would wake people up or alarm the cops. So I gave him the fatal blow. I stabbed him through the throat, making blood spew through his neck and gush out of his mouth. At one point I felt pity for this man, for he had no idea what he was getting into when he attacked. Then again, he tried to mug me.

I made my choice and it was to protect Illumi at all costs. I didn't even think of what I would do if he was the one trying to kill the rest of them. I just dove for Illumi, activating my shield around him. When I looked up, he stared at me with his cold void-like eyes.

I watched him slowly descend to the ground as he clawed at me in hopes that it would save him. I activated my shield around my fist and smashed his head into the ground, busting it open. Blood and organs spilled out onto the blacktop. As satisfying as it was, I had to dispose of the body. I dragged the corpse to a metal trash bin and lit it on fire. These bins serve as a mini bonfires for the homeless, to keep them warm. It wouldn't bring much attraction that one of these are on fire, but the smell might alarm them. Either way, I walked away and went back up to the room. I glared at the receptionist, making her cower in fear. "Say anything and you're dead." I growled. The kill definitely satisfied my bloodlust, but left me in a bad mood. I trudged up to the room and opened the door, not caring if Hisoka woke up. To my dismay, he was already awake. "I was wondering where you went~." He purred. When I saw him I wanted to word vomit and tell him about my nightmare, but I didn't. "I'm taking a shower." I grumbled. "That's a new record." He commented. "What the hell are you talking about Hisoka?" I snapped as I stripped my blood stained clothes. "That's the longest you've gone without killing someone." He explained. "O-oh." I rushed into the bathroom and ran the water. Once I jumped in, my thoughts ran wild again.

He occasionally lifted his head to look at the scene behind me, then meet my eyes again. Now I wasn't deaf, but mute. I couldn't speak, scream, nothing. I wanted to call out to him, ask him what was happening but everything went black. Did I just die? Did he kill me?

I wonder if it means anything. I'm sure it does, because first of all, I've never seen this other man in my life. Second of all, I'm pretty sure Illumi killed me. Is this my subconscious warning me? I thoroughly scrubbed myself, watching the pink water cascade down the porcelain tub. "Hisoka is right, this is the longest I've gone without a psychotic break. Ever since Illumi, my mind has been focused solely on him." I finished my shower and dressed myself for the day, it's now 6:07 am. I open the door to let the cool air take over my warm, moist body. "Ah, that's better." My mood perked up after that shower. "Illumi's coming back tomorrow." Hisoka smirked. "He is?" I jumped too excitedly. "I mean, that's cool. When?" I readjusted my tone. "In the afternoon." He stated. "So, what are we going to do today?" I hesitantly asked. "Oh you know~." He narrowed his eyes. "Seriously?" I crossed my arms. " I'm only going to check up on them." He grinned. "Why can't you leave those boys alone?" I groaned. "You know why." He hummed. "Alright, so what do you want me to do?" I cringed at the question. "Same thing, just-" "Stalk them, got it." I cut him off. "Yes!" He clasped his hands together. "Fine, but we're eating first." I negotiated.

Hisoka chose the usual café we go to, he seems to favor the sandwiches here. I chose a light breakfast, since I was still on edge from the dream. Minutes later, the two familiar boys walked in the shop. Their eyes widened as they made their way towards us. "You know Hisoka?!" Killua yelled. "I assume you do too." I stated. Hisoka's face was smug with satisfaction. I have a feeling that he chose this place for a reason. "Why don't you sit with us boys?" Hisoka motioned to the empty seats. "No way, you're gross!" Killua yelled, gaining attention from the other customers. "Killua, hush. You're drawing attention to us!" Gon shushed Killua roughly. "Hisoka won't do anything to you, not on my watch." I glared at the magician sitting across from me. "Thanks, but we're gonna go...Gon has a fight later today." Killua informed. "When?" I asked. "3pm." Gon beamed. "I'll be there." I smiled. "I will too." Hisoka sang lowly. The boys' faces scrunched up before exiting the café. "You're so creepy." I commented. "Thank you love." He smiled. We left the café and went to the park. Hisoka and I sat under a tree. "I have a feeling my parents aren't who they say they are." I broke the peaceful silence. "Oh?" He mused. "Being out of the house and actually having a social life makes me realize how sketchy they act. I never see them and when I do, it's only for a second before they dismiss me for work. Yet they won't even tell me what they do for a living. They even wanted me to move out. I would understand if they talked to me about it before hand, but it was so abrupt how they mentioned it." I explained. "You should find out soon." He mocked. "Yea no shit Hisoka. I'm just worried that whatever I find will interfere with Illumi and me." I sighed. "It'll be worse if you don't find out." He said. "Yea, I need to find out before I get married." Those words made Hisoka raise his brow at me. "Right, he probably won't even propose to me. He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend yet. Is it even needed for me to be his girlfriend if we have to get married by the end of this month? I would literally only be dating for a few weeks before I'm his fiancée." I rambled. "Calm down my sweets, you're worked up over nothing~." His usual dismissiveness angered me, only because the topic was something more important to me. "Are you really going to watch Gon's fight?" I asked him as we walked back to the room. "Yes, aren't you?" He retorted. "Yes, but I'm not going to be aroused by a child!" I exclaimed. "Then why are you going?" He polished his nails on his shirt. "He's adorable and quite interesting, I've also never seen him fight before." I said. "You just want to get closer to Killua." He laughed. "Not in that way!" I yelled. "I know about your tricks too, you're so predictable." He just wanted to make me flustered and that was exactly what he was doing. "It's not a trick! I just figured that if Illumi's siblings approve of me, it'll make him consider me more..." I admitted sheepishly. "Ah there we go." He hummed. "Shut up, and I'm not predictable." I puffed. "Whatever you say~."

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